the nomination match with Agnes and Rossi for Rai

The match appointments for the top management of Cdp, Ferrovie and Rai come into full swing and the next few hours will also serve to measure the forces within the majority, following the electoral transition. The management of the dossier passes through few hands: mainly at Palazzo Chigi for those of the undersecretary Giovanbattista Fazzolari, which supervises on behalf of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, and then by those of the leaders of Lega and Forza Italianamely the two deputy prime ministers Matteo Salvini and Antonio Tajani.

The deadlines

A first deadline coincides with the convocation of the CDP assembly, set for tomorrow. Barring any twists and turns, Dario Scannapieco should receive reconfirmation in the role of CEO, even more so after Minister Giorgetti’s announcement to specify that at the helm of the Institute in via Goito “there will be no major upheavals”. There is, therefore, agreement on the name of Scannapieco for the green light both from the League and from Fratelli d’Italia. For the presidency of CDP the game is over and the foundations have already confirmed Giovanni Gorno Tempini, also indicating Lucia Calvosa and Luigi Guiso as councilors.


The Railways chapter, which has how the meeting expires on June 27th, seems to have found its own definition, accepted both by Deputy Prime Minister Salvini and by Palazzo Chigi, in the choice of Stefano Donnarumma as CEO. For the presidency, among the names in play are that of Teo Luzi, current general commander of the Carabinieri, Stefano Cuzzilla, president of Trenitalia and advisor of Cdp Venture Capital, and Tommaso Tanzilli, advisor of Fs organic to Fratelli d’ Italy. Luzi’s profile could also be used for the presidency of Fincantieria vacant post following the sudden death two days ago of General Claudio Graziano.

The risk

A possible appointment of Luzi, who also intends to continue his mandate in the force until the end expected in the autumn, it would require choosing the new head of the Carabinieri. The risk of appointments and the start of a new course in Railways also includes the exit of the current CEO Luigi Ferraris, who, thanks to a CV with key roles in Enel, Poste and Terna, is Kkr’s candidate for Netco, the company of the former Tim network. Not by chance Ferraris would have had an agreement ready for some time. There would also be an agreement on the fate of Viale Mazzini, where the Rai match would be regulated by granting the presidency to Forza Italia, with the indication of Simona Agneswhile at the helm of public television he would go as CEO Giampaolo Rossi (in the Fratelli d’Italia share).
The appointment dossier does not end with the choice of the leaders of Cdp, Fs and Rai. In the coming weeks the government parties will have to agree on the renewal of the corporate bodies of the Electricity Services Manager, Invimit, Fintecna, Open Fiber and Anas.

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