Car tax: exemption for 5 years if you live in this region | The law was published in the gazette

Car tax: exemption for 5 years if you live in this region | The law was published in the gazette
Car tax: exemption for 5 years if you live in this region | The law was published in the gazette

The car tax is one of the most “hated” taxes by Italians. Here’s who can get big savings from this point of view

The topic car tax it is rather indigestible to the citizens of Beautiful country who despite themselves have to pay it on every vehicle they own. In some cases the expense, even if incurred only once a year, can be quite expensive.

However, there is a way to eradicate it at least in part, that is by purchasing gods electric vehicles. For the latter, concessions are provided in this sense, which can be quite convenient in the long term.

Before delving into this matter, however, it is important to remember that the car tax is managed by Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano. Only in Friuli Venezia Giulia and Sardinia takes care of itRevenue Agency.

Here’s what you need to know about car tax for the electric vehicleswhich although at the moment are still rather prohibitive in economic terms, can lead to a significant saving on the tax which no one really likes in Italy.

Electric car tax: how it works

In practice, anyone who buys an electric car is exempt from the stamp duty payment for the first five years pursuant to the provisions of the Presidential Decree – Presidential Decree – 39/1953. The ball is then passed to the regions, which decide independently whether or not to continue collecting it.

Even if the aforementioned period has elapsed, you must again pay the tax, the rate is decidedly cheaper than normal. In short, regardless, it is still worth opting for this type of means, which among other things can also be of great help in fighting air pollution increasingly rampant.

Electric Cars (Depositphotos) –

Electric vehicle tax exemption region by region

In most cases the exemption is provided for the first five years. Among the regions that apply this formula are: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Umbria and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano.

The only exceptions are represented by Valle d’Aosta with the exemption lasting eight years, the Campania which in the case of scrapping of Euro 0-4 cars can increase the period of non-payment from five to eight years as well as from Piedmont And Lombardy, regions in which those who have an electric car can drive for life without having to pay the “annoying” car tax. Therefore, regardless of the area of ​​residence, there is no shortage of advantages, you just need to know how to grasp them.

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