only applies if you own one of these cars

Finally you can avoid paying car tax, but only if you have one of these cars. Find out what the legislation says.

The costs of a car, unfortunately, they are not limited only to its purchase price – already a rather important investment in itself. Maintaining the car is equally expensive for family budgets. Just think of the cost of fuel, a real nightmare for motorists, or the compulsory insurance.

Car tax, if you have these models you don’t pay (Flopgear)

The least appreciated burden, however, which has always been in the sights of motorists who clamor for its abolition, is the tax. This state tax – the cost of which depends on the area of ​​origin (it is in fact a contribution managed by the regions, with the exception of Sardinia and Friuli Venezia Giulia which are instead linked to the Revenue Agency) and on the type of car driven – can reach to reach rather important figures.

Now, however, it is even possible to obtain the total exemption from paying stamp dutybut only if you own this type of car.

Car tax, these models are exempt

With the aim of protecting the environment and lowering the rate of air pollution caused by means of transport, the Italian government has for some time now committed to encouraging the purchase of zero-emission cars. This effort, also renewed for 2024, includes making state bonuses and incentives available to encourage the purchase of hybrid and electric vehicles, but not only that.

With these models you are exempt from tax (Flopgear)

The government has decided to include additional advantages, which they also concern the payment of stamp duty. In fact, the tax will not have to be paid by those who purchase an electric model, even if in most cases only for a given period of time.

In most regions the exemption period lasts five years, but there are also those who have been much more generous. In Val d’Aosta you don’t pay the tax for 8 years, as in Campania (but only for those who have scrapped a Euro 0-4 car and have a car within 100 kW of power, otherwise only for a five-year period ). The luckiest are the citizens of Lombardy and Piedmont: the regions have decided to exempt them forever from the burden of paying the contribution.

At the end of any foreseen deadline, in any case, you will not have to pay the normal stamp duty but only a quarter of the amount. In short, buying an electric car not only helps the environment but also family budgets.

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