“You’re sick, you disgust me”

A Saturday night to forget for the journalist and TV meteorologist, Luca Ciceroni, fell victim to homophobic insults in a Rome localin the Montesacro district. The professional himself, formerly the “face” of Sky, made it known with a post su Facebookin which he recounts the unpleasant episode. On Saturday evening, Ciceroni had drunk a spritz with two friends in a bar on Piazzale Adriatico. An evening like many others, until Ciceroni leaves the wine bar and suffers «a terrible homophobic gesture by one of the waiters»he writes on social media.

«He told me: you bring diseases»

«It all started from an appreciation towards the waitersuch Vincenzo, who reacted confronting me in a heavy manner with insultswhich fr… shit, half a man, you disgust me you and all those who are like you, are sick, stay away from me because you only bring diseases!!», Ciceroni says on his Facebook page. But it wasn’t over. The journalist tries to avoid the confrontation, but goes back into the place to look for the owners convinced he will receive an apology. «He followed mehe slammed the door shut and he started pushing me, insulting me, always the same way: he told me you’re scared right? Because you bro.. are cowards, half-assed men, sick, and he was pushing me in front of holder that was at the cash register, that instead of intervening and making him think, he supported himwithout insults yes, but making it clear that his thoughts were the same!», writes Ciceroni again.

«Chased out of the club»

«We left the place but they followed usto me and my friend, be it this guy Vincenzo, the bully protagonist and waiter of this sad place, who two staff men which, as if that were not enough, they pulled me and they assumed that I was drunk”, continues the story the meteorologist, who does not exclude filing a complaint. “We recovered from the shock and then we went back home, but this thing has marked me and it made me realize that politicians are spreading hatred, racism, homophobia and a bad example for this country now adrift! ” So much bitterness and the desire to share his experience, perhaps also to solicit solidarity. “We are going back half a century, not to say more, scenes of racism and homophobia like these date back to the saddest times of the past. I wanted to make this public and I hope that in the future things will change, as soon as possible”, Ciceroni concluded.

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