Milan, access bans for motorbikes in Area B and C postponed to 2025, those for Euro 6 diesels to 2028

Some bans for access to Area B and C have been postponed. In particular, the postponements concern motorcycles and mopeds fueled by mixture (two-stroke engine) Euro 2, diesel fuel Euro 2 and petrol (four-stroke engine) from Euro 0 to Euro 1 which will not be able to enter the two limited traffic zones of the city starting from October 1, 2025 (and not from the same day this year). The second postponement concerns instead Euro 6 diesel vehicles (for which the ban would have come into force between 1 October 2024 and 1 October 2027) and which instead will be banned from access starting from 1 October 2028. In particular, for Area B these are Euro 6 ABC diesel cars (if purchased after 31 December 2018) and Euro 6 A diesel powered goods transport vehicles (if purchased after 31 December 2018) and Euro 6 BC diesel (if purchased after on 30 September 2019). For Area C of Euro 6 ABC diesel cars, taxis and NCCs (up to 9 seats) Euro 6 ABC diesel (if purchased after 31 December 2018) and Euro 6 A diesel goods transport vehicles (N1) (if purchased after 31 December 2018 ) and Euro 6 BC diesel (if purchased after 30 September 2019).

The reasons for the slippage

The measures were taken by the Municipality with a council resolution which was approved on 9 May and which also contains other initiatives relating to mobility. The places for the discipline of Area B and Area C are due to changed economic contextthe growth of prices in the market automotive and the related social cost for citizens and, on the other, advances in technological innovation which did not achieve the expected results. Furthermore, as the Municipality explains in a note, «the choice takes into consideration the investment costs that citizens and businesses have to bear also in relation to the postponement of the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council on the approval of Euro 7 motor vehicles approved in March this year and the related expected implementation dates, from which it can be estimated that the obligation to first register only Euro 7 cars can only take place starting from the end of 2027 and larger vehicles (M2, M3, N2 and N3) of the same Euro category starting from mid-2029″.

The political reactions

He rejoices League who had been asking for a postponement of the motorcycle bans for some time. «The left would have liked to let the new restrictive law go unnoticed but the League has exposed it for months and, through a participatory collection of signatures, has forced the council to backtrack», he comments Samuele Piscina, provincial secretary of the League and municipal councilor. «For the citizens it is a great victory of civilization, but still partial. In fact, we are not satisfied with the decision to postpone the moped restrictions for just one year, as we have collected thousands of signatures for a postponement to 2028, the year in which there will undoubtedly be another council governing the city.” While for the councilor of the Verdi Carlo Monguzzi the postponement is «very serious and unacceptable: Area B now does not allow cars to enter, it must be made more rigorous. The junta’s maxi exemption is the worst that could have been done because it goes exactly in the opposite direction.”

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