What’s in the women’s bag? The new book by Adriano Baffelli

What’s in a woman’s bag? Adriano Baffelli, journalist and writer, author of the book «The women’s bag». He did it thinking of a charity project in favor of the association «Casa delle donne». The result is a book, «La borsa delle donne» precisely, which saw the launch of pre-sales on Friday, in the art gallery Gare 42: with a crowdfunding that will start in the next few days, funds will be raised for the printing of the book and for each copy sold part of the proceeds will be donated to the association that helps women victims of violence.

«I discovered thanks to the women I interviewed – says Baffelli – that within their bags there are multiple approaches, many interesting reflections, commitment, determination, sacrifices, difficulties and suffering, but also great ability to be able to achieve results not only for themselves but also for the community, thus creating added value.”

Twenty women, from Brescia and Bergamo, who have distinguished themselves, not without difficulty, in their work environment and in life: from Camilla Baresani a Cristina Fogazzi, from Cristina Parodi to our director Nunzia Vallini. In the book, they all talk about the female theme, their approach to the world of work, the obstacles they had to overcome. And all were portrayed by master Renato Missaglia: the proceeds from the sale of 20 works by the internationally renowned artist will also be donated to Casa delle Donne: «They are unique works that I have committed to donating because I believe it is important that those who have obtained so much from life should help those who need it most » said the teacher.

The association and in particular its president Viviana Cassini are grateful: «When they made us this proposal we immediately accepted – she said -, because we are talking about women, because we are talking about women who have been successful and who therefore can give a message of hope to those who are in difficulty: to make them understand that it is possible to change their lives and redeem themselves. We accepted the proposal because it will help us financially to support the projects and the support we give to our women on a daily basis and also because culture, in this case art, can transmit important messages.”

The first objective, therefore, with the opening of crowdfunding is collect as many donations as possible: «We hope that people will follow us in this path of supporting women in difficulty – concluded Baffelli -. And I also hope it is a way to raise awareness about gender violence: we are tired of reading about feminicides every day, it’s time to say enough.”

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