“How a friendship and a poet are born”, a book by Savino Dimiccoli

“How a friendship and a poet are born”, a book by Savino Dimiccoli
“How a friendship and a poet are born”, a book by Savino Dimiccoli
Today, in Barletta, in the courtyard of the Parish SS. Trinità, at 8.00 pm, the presentation of Savino Dimiccoli’s book entitled “How a friendship and a poet is born”, Editrice Rotas, will take place.


  • Don Cosimo Falconetti, parish priest

They will speak with the Author:

  • Don Matteo Losapio, Diocesan Vocations Center, former collaborator of the parish of the SS. Trinità
  • Beppe Santo, Rotas Publisher


  • Riccardo Losappio, Director of the Diocesan Office of Culture and Social Communications

Reading of some passages taken from the book by
“This biography is an ordinary story of an ordinary person. It is the sincere story of glimpses of life, of anecdotes, of encounters, of reflections, of actions. Every person we meet on our path leaves a trace, a footprint, a memory, a stimulus. There are also those who leave disappointment, uncertainty, indifference. It is up to us to know who to continue with, who to confide in, who to let go, who to keep in mind even when for various reasons the person is not physically there. Regardless, everyone teaches us something, strengthens us, makes us feel alive.
The dawn of this project dates back a few years and its completion was not without difficulties, doubts and thoughts. Many collaborations, many supports, everyone contributed with their own time available, with their own desire, with their own aptitudes: family members, historical friends, remote acquaintances and recent acquaintances.
A project supported above all by the constant figure of God to whom Savino often turns in moments of strong introspection and restlessness. Interfacing with Him in a sort of daily meditation he manages to find the best solution, he manages to make the right choice in the awareness of the magnificence of the figure of God himself: nothing would be possible without Him». (Vincenzo Dimiccoli, from the Preface)

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