here is the “Reuse Library” –

The first books have already been arranged on some shelves, ordered and catalogued as in a traditional library. The shelves, recently installed in the offices of Sanb, the company responsible for environmental services in the municipalities of Corato, Ruvo di Puglia, Terlizzi and Bitonto, will soon be filled with many more volumes, ready to be delivered to those who request them.

The connection between the activity of a company that deals with waste collection and disposal and the promotion of culture is easy to explain. The project “Riaccendi un libro”, strongly supported by the sole director Nicola Roberto Toscano, aims to give new life to books destined for waste, creating a library composed of volumes in good condition recovered before being disposed of. These books can then be requested free of charge, generating a virtuous cultural exchange.

«The reuse library is an initiative that unites the culture of reuse with the reuse of culture, promoting a conscious attention to the environment and the opportunity to discover and rediscover stories and knowledge otherwise destined for the waste paper bin» comments Toscano.

The initiative is already arousing curiosity and interest among users and will soon be fully operational, thanks also to the implementation on the company’s official website of an online catalog and a section to reserve and collect the desired volumes for free.

The library will also be enriched through donations from citizens. In the municipal collection centers of the municipalities served by Sanb, a special area will be set up for the delivery of books. Trained staff will evaluate the quality of the books and decide whether to include them in the catalog or send them to paper recycling.

After a thorough sanitization process, the donated books will be made available for collection, offering a second chance to these precious texts and promoting the culture of reuse and environmental protection.

The idea of ​​reuse is fundamental to the corporate philosophy of Sanb, which in recent years had already created a virtual space to donate or exchange unused objects in good condition, thus avoiding their disposal in the waste.

How to reserve a book

How to reserve a book:

  • Access the SANB website;
  • Access the section entitled Rekindle a book;
  • Consult the catalog by clicking “HERE”;
  • After choosing the book and checking availability;
  • Fill in and send the appropriate form;
  • You will then receive an email with instructions on where to pick up your order.

How to deliver books that could be cataloged in the reuse library:

  • at each municipal collection center of the municipalities served by SANB, a special area has been established, where each user, if they wish, can deliver books.
  • The evaluation of the quality status of the books is carried out by the appropriately trained staff, who will evaluate from time to time whether the delivered books can be included in the catalogue or placed in the bins intended for paper recycling.
  • After a sanitization process, the books are made available for collection

Monday 1 July 2024


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