Thoughts for Claudio, the book in memory of the trade unionist Paladini at the Agora

Thoughts for Claudio, the book in memory of the trade unionist Paladini at the Agora
Thoughts for Claudio, the book in memory of the trade unionist Paladini at the Agora

Thursday (27 June), at 5pm, at the Agorà library, Isabella Gianmattei will present the book Thoughts for Claudioa text dedicated to the memory of her husband, Claudio Paladinia well-known and beloved trade union leader, as well as a political and social activist, who passed away last year.

“A book that can help those who knew him to remember him and through which, those who were not fortunate enough to meet him, will have the opportunity to discover him through his reflections and those of those who were close to him until ‘last – they say from the CGIL Lucca -. In fact, it is inside a collection of thoughts dedicated to him by his numerous acquaintances and friends at the time of his passing, but also the reflections of Claudio himself. Isabella Gianmattei has in fact had the opportunity to recover her husband’s notes, through which it is possible to retrace his political and trade union path, and at the same time rediscover the ideals that guided his work, which continued as long as it was allowed by his conditions of health”.

The CGIL has therefore decided to support the publication of this work not only to keep alive the memory of an “exceptional and dear comrade”, but also to delve deeper into the thoughts of a leading figure in the trade union, political and social activism of Lucca, from which you can continue to learn something.

“I would like to thank many people for the nice things they wrote about Claudio at the time of his passing – he states Isabella Gianmattei – this book serves to show them my gratitude and to be able to continue together the reflections made by my husband and about my husband by those who held him dear.”

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