Contributions for the supply of books for families: information

The Department of Public Education, coordinated by Valentina Sementilli, communicates that the Lazio Region has approved the guidelines for the provision of contributions for the free, total or partial supply of textbooks (both paper and digital), dictionaries, and fiction books (including in foreign languages) recommended by schools, digital teaching aids (software, programs and operating systems for school use, USB or printer), notebooks or tablets, for the 2024/2025 school year. The notice and the application form are available on the institutional website at

The request can be submitted by the parent or person exercising parental authority, or the student, if an adult, in possession of the following requirements: residence in the Municipality of Frosinone; indicator of the valid Equivalent Economic Situation (ISEE) of the student’s family unit, not exceeding €15,493.71; attendance, in the 2024-2025 school year, at state and private secondary schools.

Applications must be drawn up exclusively on the specific form (Annex A) available on the municipal website:, the secretariats of the first and second level secondary schools and the public education office open to the public at the following numbers: 0775/2656679 – 0775/2656261 or by requesting a copy at the following email addresses: or alessandro.[email protected]. Applications must necessarily be accompanied by a valid ISEE certificate, with regard to the economic situation of the student’s family unit; a copy of a valid identity document of the applicant who signs the application for the concession; documentation of the expenses incurred for the purchase of textbooks (both paper and digital), dictionaries, and fiction books (including foreign languages) recommended by schools, digital teaching aids (software, programs and operating systems for school use, USB or printer), notebooks or tablets. Receipts are not considered valid; expenses incurred online are permitted as long as they are regularly invoiced electronically.

The applications, complete with the aforementioned documentation, must be received by hand, or by registered mail with return receipt to the general protocol office of the Institution – Piazza VI December – Frosinone, or by PEC to the address [email protected], strictly no later than 1pm on Friday 6 September 2024.

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