All the doubts about Fedez’s donations to the Amatrician earthquake victims in Selvaggia Lucarelli’s book

All the doubts about Fedez’s donations to the Amatrician earthquake victims in Selvaggia Lucarelli’s book
All the doubts about Fedez’s donations to the Amatrician earthquake victims in Selvaggia Lucarelli’s book

There are also earthquake victims Amateur and Accumulate them among the episodes of dubious charity within the book of the moment. We are talking about “The Pandora’s Box”, the investigative book by the journalist and writer Selvaggia Lucarellientirely dedicated to the events that have kept Chiara Ferragni and the singer Fedez at the center of national news in recent months.

Not only Ferragni is therefore targeted by irregularities regarding the charitable purposes of his fundraising and sponsorships. To do speak it is also Fedez, to whom Lucarelli dedicates an entire chapter, reeling off episodes in which the rapper would have advertised initiatives in favor of associations – and in this case – of earthquake victims in the areas of central Italy.

It was the same RietiLifeafter only 48 hours after the earthquake of August 24th to publicize the noble initiative: “Fedez and Rovazzi: “Proceeds from our songs for the schools of Amatrice”, with the rappers who on their social channels increased the burden by putting on the plate, in addition to one hundred percent of the proceeds from the sales of the summer hits of the time “I would like but non posto” and “Let’s go to command”, also donations of a personal nature. And then how did it end? Fedez would not reveal anything further about the donation made which, according to Selvaggia Lucarelli’s sources, would amount to around “a few thousand euros”, figures far from those necessary for the creation of schools.

Photo: RietiLife ©

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