Le Pen’s party: ‘In government even without an absolute majority’ – News

Le Pen’s party: ‘In government even without an absolute majority’ – News
Le Pen’s party: ‘In government even without an absolute majority’ – News

Sébastien Chenu, one of the most influential leaders of Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National (RN), widely re-elected in the first round last night, declared on France 2 that if the RN obtains a relative majority but has sufficient support, it will govern. In recent days, on several occasions, the candidate for prime minister Jordan Bardella had insisted that he would accept the post only with an absolute majority that would allow him to bring about “change” in the country.

To know more ANSA Agency In France Le Pen soars to 34%. Macron: ‘Now a republican bloc’ – News – Ansa.it The right is aiming for an absolute majority. The left is promising a battle. Record turnout, over 65% voted. Melenchon and Glucksmann: ‘We withdraw the candidates where we are third’. Bardella: ‘I will be the prime minister of all’ (ANSA)

“We will have to see how the Assemblée Nationale organizes itself – said Chenu – but we will assume our responsibilities before the French”. Chenu added that Macron no longer represents the majority of the French: “He is an extremely minority in the country. Constitutionally he is legitimate. But if he were faced with an ungovernable Chamber or if he were in the situation of not being able to appoint a prime minister because there is no is no majority, then he would be in a complicated situation. He would be forced to resign.”

Bardella writes to the French: ‘Make a responsible choice’

Jordan Bardella – candidate for prime minister and Marine Le Pen’s heir – has released his “letter to the French”, in which he launches an appeal “to make the choice of a responsible change”. The count has highlighted – Bardella writes – “a level of historic participation” and from the first round “two clear choices” emerge.

Of these two, “the far left represents an existential threat to the French nation.” For Bardella, next Sunday’s ballot must be a duel between the RN and the New Popular Front, for which he imposes the face of Jean-Luc Mélenchon on his readers: “The fate of France cannot be entrusted to these arsonists who assume a strategy of permanent conflict,” he writes. No mention in the letter of Emmanuel Macron’s Ensemble coalition.

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