‘Piazze dei Libri’ closes successfully, Confartigianato Florence: ‘Culture works if widespread’

‘Piazze dei Libri’ closes successfully, Confartigianato Florence: ‘Culture works if widespread’
‘Piazze dei Libri’ closes successfully, Confartigianato Florence: ‘Culture works if widespread’

Culture councilor Bettini: ‘The most beautiful way to kick off the Florentine Summer 2024’

Widespread, plural, open to public contribution, varied and above all growing. Yes is the third edition of the “Piazze dei Libri – Words in common” closeda project by Confartigianato Imprese Florence which in five evenings involved 8 squares not only in the historic center but in all five neighborhoods of Florence with over 70 events including presentations, readings, workshops for children.

“We are doing, in the wake of the great tradition of authentic craftsmanship, something important, not only for bookshops but for the whole city”, claims Serena Vavolo, President of Confartigianato Imprese Firenze. “We have shown that culture is not only good for everyone – he adds – but it works if widespread”.

Confartigianato Imprese Firenze recalls the numbers of the third edition: 13 librariesboth independent and chain, involved; 71 events; 118 authors and moderators involved; 37 publishing houses present.

It was a real invasion of books and culture in the city squares – said the deputy mayor and councilor for culture Alessia Bettini – A project that is confirmed as successful, thanks to great teamwork and the involvement of Florentine bookstores, independent and beyond, as well as publishing houses and authors. The most beautiful way to kick off the Florentine Summer 2024”.

Le Piazze dei Libri is a project by Confartigianato Imprese Firenze, co-financed by the City of Florence, as part of the Florentine Summer 2024 – an initiative proposed in the Operational Plan of the City of Florence.

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