Castellabate promotes reading: the book houses arrive

A space dedicated to sharing


The municipality of Castellabate inaugurates new spaces dedicated to culture and reading. On Tuesday 4 June, at 11 am, on the central Corso Matarazzo in Santa Maria di Castellabate, the first “Book Houses” will be installed. This is an initiative that is part of the Book Sharing project “Reading is sharing”, which involves the creation of small neighborhood libraries spread across the entire municipal territory. In this way, the diffusion of a mechanism of free sharing of books by all citizens and especially the youngest is promoted.

Anyone can decide whether to make a book available in the house or borrow one. In addition to Corso Matarazzo, the stations will also be located in the play area of ​​Villa Matarazzo and at the San Marco air port. Subsequently, the houses will be positioned in other strategic points of Castellabate. The presentation of the initiative will also see the participation of the students of the IC Castellabate and the entertainment of the ActorSud theater association which will offer original readings to all those present.

“Castellabate continues to pay particular attention to culture and knowledge with this splendid initiative which we hope will involve a large number of citizens and beyond. The “Book House” is another small piece that we are inserting into the urban context of our Municipality and which aims to stimulate and encourage the desire for reading especially in the new generations”, claims the Mayor of Castellabate, Marco Rizzo.

“Whoever finds themselves in front of the house will be able to choose whether to donate one of their books to someone else, or borrow some. It is precisely this idea of ​​pure sharing that inspired this initiative. The first house will be installed on Corso Matarazzo in a non-random manner given that in that area there is already an artistic work that recalls the importance of reading among young people”, highlights the Councilor, Clemente Migliorino.

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