Marine Le Pen, the RN leader who dreams of the Elysée in 2027 – News

Marine Le Pen, the RN leader who dreams of the Elysée in 2027 – News
Marine Le Pen, the RN leader who dreams of the Elysée in 2027 – News

Marine Le Pen, leader of the Rassemblement National (RN), defeated twice by Emmanuel Macron in the 2017 and 2022 presidential elections and who could now fulfill her lifelong dream of taking supreme power in 2027, is dreaming more than ever of revenge in the next race for the Elysée. Thirteen years after the 2011 Tours congress, when she replaced her father Jean-Marie Le Pen at the helm of the former Front National, thus beginning the long work of ‘de-diabolisation’ of the neo-fascist party, the fifty-five-year-old lawyer and champion of ‘national preference’ aims to break the ‘glass ceiling’ that for half a century has prevented the Tricolour Flame from across the Alps from accessing power.

Leaving however that before her, it is the twenty-eight year old dauphin, Jordan Bardella, to assume the role of prime minister, in case of victory in the early elections today and on July 7. For Le Pen, the surprise vote called by Macron after the defeat in the EU elections on June 9 is a unique and unexpected opportunity towards the longed-for conquest of the presidency in 2027.

As always in the Le Pen saga, politics and family are closely intertwined and perhaps it is no coincidence that Bardella is the ex-boyfriend of Nolwenn Olivier, daughter of Marine Le Pen’s sister, Marie-Caroline. A ‘magic circle’ in bleu-blanc-rouge sauce that today allows the eternal pretender to the Elysée to pilot her Italian-origin dolphin very closely, despite the nuances, confident that in the next three years he will not betray her and urging him to postpone, if not bury, some electoral promises with his thoughts turned to the Elysée.

The hypothesis of cohabitation with Bardella at Matignon and Macron at the Elysée is far from allowing the realization of all the promises of the RN and this represents a perfect alibi for Le Pen to claim the Elysée in 2027. A false argument, for the detractors Paris, according to which in the case of cohabitation the prime minister has sufficient powers to be able to freely govern the country, regardless of the so-called ‘domaine reservé’ of the Elysée, as demonstrated at the time by the socialist, Lionel Jospin, in the last cohabitation with the neo-Gaullist Jacques Chirac.

Video France, Marine Le Pen votes in Henin-Beaumont

The only real obstacle to the implementation of the Rn program, they note in Paris, is rather the respect of the rule of law: the French Constitution in fact prohibits discriminatory or discriminating measures such as the “national preference” promised by the Rn. But even in this case Le Pen can transform this inconvenience into an advantage, making it an argument in presidential terms. From the seat of the Elysée, he would in fact have the power to initiate profound changes to the Fundamental Charter promoted in 1958 by Charles De Gaulle (1958) thus allowing the application of the Le Pen program.

Interviewed in recent days by RTL radio, she assures: “I am ready to make enormous sacrifices for my country and for my people”. When asked if she hadn’t preferred to send Jordan Bardella ahead out of ‘fear’, she flatly denies it.

Fear? “If I had feared anything, I would have decided to plant strawberries, I would have decided to raise cats as my main occupation.” And again: “I could have entered a variety of professions where there is absolutely no risk. Let me say,” Le Pen concluded, “that my path suggests that I am brave enough not to be very afraid of anything.” Between now and 2027, Jean-Marie Le Pen’s daughter could continue to preside over her deputies in the National Assembly. Among her most loyal supporters, some are urging her to aim for the presidency of the hemicycle, a role that could help forge her a prestigious image, thus reinforcing her ‘presidential’ stature, in the hope of breaking once and for all the so-called ‘curse’ of the Le Pens, the long series of defeats that for fifty years has kept them away from power.

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