“No risk for Uccp” – Local Health Authority of Teramo

“No risk for Uccp” – Local Health Authority of Teramo
“No risk for Uccp” – Local Health Authority of Teramo

The future of the Uccp is not at risk, as claimed Ercole Corepresident of the General Practitioners’ Cooperative. The ASL of Teramo has simply proceeded to an optimization of costs based on the indications provided by the regional legislator to all the ASL.

In the start-up phase of the Uccp and up to now, to ensure the functionality of the units themselves, general practitioners working there were asked to be supported by secretaries and nurses of their reference. If the doctors turned to the cooperatives, it is their choice: the ASL has no direct relationship with the cooperatives but limits itself to reimbursing the doctors for the costs of support staff.

The figure of 200 thousand euros mentioned to the Core president is overestimated: the reimbursement to doctors for the staff saw a saving of 69 thousand euros, shared with their trade unions, which on June 28 signed the company agreement for the management of the Uccp.

The sustainability of the cost reduction was also assessed by both parties, and the unions themselves considered it suitable to even guarantee replacements for holidays, sick leave and other contractual provisions.

As far as the ASL knows, not all doctors refer to the cooperative of the president Core and no objections have been raised by the other two cooperatives of reference of the doctors who work in the Uccp. It should be emphasized that even after the rationalization plan, the ASL of Teramo continues to guarantee staffing standards that are even better than those envisaged by the regional guidelines of 2023.

The figure of approximately 190 thousand euros refers to a series of measures that also consist of the closure of the Uccp on Saturdays since the service is guaranteed by the Medical Guard. Further savings derive from a rationalization of the reimbursement relating to the software used by doctors in the Uccp, also used in individual clinics.

“The future of the Uccp is not at risk”, reiterates the general manager Maurice Of Josias“I would like to point out that the agreement with the doctors’ unions has a three-month duration because the ASL is proceeding with the activation of the Community Houses (structures provided for by Ministerial Decree 77 which radically revises and strengthens healthcare assistance in the territory), in which, as foreseen by the regional guidelines, the Uccp will merge. And at that point the support staff will be provided directly by the company which in the next three months will proceed to implement the appropriate administrative procedures. We are faced with a rationalization process, which does not mean cutting services, but optimizing them. My role is to provide qualified healthcare to the citizen, guaranteeing efficient and economically sustainable services. And I do not intend to give it up”.

The issue was also discussed in the regional supervisory commission on June 27 and both the majority and the opposition shared the company strategy which refers to the regional policy of rationalization of expenses.

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