How to Quit Smoking Completely, Drugs and Behaviors: WHO Guidelines

How to Quit Smoking Completely, Drugs and Behaviors: WHO Guidelines
How to Quit Smoking Completely, Drugs and Behaviors: WHO Guidelines

The World Health Organization has just published comprehensive guidelines to help tobacco users quit smoking.

It is a combination of effective drugs, behaviors and health support, including telephone and digital support. The goal is therefore to help the over 750 million smokers around the world to quit. The recommendations cover cigarettes, water pipes, smokeless tobacco products, cigars, rolling tobacco, and heated tobacco products.

How to Quit Smoking Completely (Ansa Foto) –

Supporting smokers is one of the key measures under the WHO Framework Convention. The guidelines are primarily intended for health workers working in clinical and community settings. The document also contains recommendations for governments and health authorities to improve the adoption and implementation of effective tobacco cessation interventions.

These guidelines – said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of WHO – mark a milestone in our global battle against these dangerous products and provides countries with essential tools to effectively support people to quit smoking and alleviate the global burden of tobacco, including diseases.”.

It is estimated that over 60% of the 1.25 billion consumers of tobacco in the world, more than 750 million people, want to quit. But 70% do not have access to effective services to quit. “We must appreciate the strength and suffering endured by individuals and their loved ones to overcome addiction. – said Rüdiger Krech, director of health promotion at WHO – These guidelines are designed to help communities and governments provide the best possible support and assistance for those undertaking this challenging journey.”.

Quitting smoking: WHO recommendations

WHO recommends vareniclinaNicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion and cytisine as effective treatments for smoking cessation. In April 2024, nicotine gum and patch became the first NRT products “prequalified” by the Organization. Then, a counseling to health workers (30 seconds to 3 minutes) routinely offered in health care settings is needed, together with more intensive behavioral support (individual, group or telephone counseling) for affected users.

WHO recommends varenicline, NRT, bupropion and cytisine (Ansa Photo) –

Additionally, digital interventions such as text messages must be foreseen, app for smartphones and Internet programs can be used as additional tools. Finally, WHO encourages health professionals, policy makers and stakeholders to adopt and implement the guidelines to promote smoking cessation and improve the health of millions of people worldwide.

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