Ilaria Salis: «The extraditions must be stopped»

Ilaria Salis: «The extraditions must be stopped»
Ilaria Salis: «The extraditions must be stopped»

In Italy the campaign against her past commitment to the fight for housing continues to rage, but Ilaria Salis doesn’t seem to care too much. And, in your first week as an Avs MEP, you immediately began to deal with the topics you had announced: the fight for prisoners’ rights and anti-fascism.

The case is that of Maja T., the queer anti-fascist arrested in Germany on the night between Thursday and Friday and delivered in record time to Budapest, without even waiting for the opinion of the Federal Constitutional Court, which would have stopped everything. Maja T., for the record, is accused of the same crimes as Salis, namely the attack by some neo-Nazis in Hungary in February 2023.

«I have already been there – wrote the MEP on her social networks -, I know what it means to be detained in Hungarian prisons and to be subjected to a trial in which fundamental rights are systematically questioned. I wouldn’t even wish it on my worst enemy.” Then, on the merits: «It is unacceptable and indecent that in a European country people can find themselves in such conditions, it is even more so that the authorities of other countries give their consent to extradition. This surprises me a lot since the Milan Court of Appeal on 28 March 2024 definitively refused the surrender of Gabriele Marchesi, also accused for the same facts, on the basis of inadequate prison conditions and the disproportionality of custody precautionary with respect to the accusation”.

The editorial team recommends:

Dresda, blitz to bring queer antifa to Budapest

Salis continues: «Maja is a non-binary person and her incarceration in Hungary, where attacks against the LGBTQI+ community are frequent and widespread, risks exposing her to a serious danger of physical and psychological violence. No one should be forced to live this experience and suffer these injustices: extraditions to Hungary must be stopped for all of them».

Meanwhile, in Italy, the right-wing smear campaign on the issue of housing squats, of which Ilaria Salis was the protagonist, continues. Yesterday, in Milan, the League organized a sit-in to ask Ilaria Salis to reimburse “every last cent” of what she owes to Aler, which is claiming a total of 90,000 euros. The issue, as explained several times by the lawyer Eugenio Losco, is actually very different. “Ilaria Salis never had a contract with the apartment at Via Borsi 14,” Losco explained in an interview in. In 2008, an investigation was carried out in which they found Mrs. Salis inside this apartment, at least according to what was written in the newspapers. There are no other investigations until 2024 into who was in that property.”

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