The Five Stars in Europe? They are in cahoots with the German rossobruni: the final swerve

The Five Stars in Europe? They are in cahoots with the German rossobruni: the final swerve
The Five Stars in Europe? They are in cahoots with the German rossobruni: the final swerve

Even the Chinese and the Russia have hopes of being well represented in the new Brussels hemicycle. If they succeed, it will be thanks to an unprecedented alliance between their most faithful supporters, spread across numerous European parties and countries and all openly hostile – albeit in the name of “peace” – to funding the Kiev government that has been resisting the Russian military invasion for over two years.

The Five Star Movement in the European Parliament is reportedly working to create a new group together with the red-browns of Sahra Wagenknecht and the Slovakian Smer. LaPresse learned this from M5S sources close to the dossier. In this way, the Kremlin’s plan could be realized in other forms, which, according to intelligence sources in a European country, is to favor an alliance between Die Linke and AfD in the name of pacifism and against the war in Ukraine. At least one person close to the then Die Linke deputy Wagenknecht and several AfD representatives had been in contact with Russian officials during the period in which the plan was being implemented, when a meeting was held at the Kremlin to launch the program, and November 2022. On February 25, 2023, 13,000 people gathered at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to demand a stop to the shipment of weapons to Ukraine under the leadership of Wagenknecht. Also listening to her were Jürgen Elsässer, editor of the far-right magazine Compact, which had just dedicated a cover to Wargenknecht, “the best chancellor, a candidate for the left and the right”, and dozens of AfD members.

In the new structure, there would already be six delegations from six different countries (mostly single-member ones like the Greek one of Pléfsi Eleftherías, born from an offshoot of Syriza) and one would be enough to reach the threshold of seven countries. As far as we know, the seventh member would be Smer himself, who however has not yet dissolved the reservation. The Slovak Social Democrats of Prime Minister Robert Fico had been expelled from the Socialists and Democrats group for having allied themselves with the far right of the Slovak National Party. Based on the numbers, the sum of the 8 MEPs from the M5S, the 6 from Buendnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) and the 5 from the SMER brings to 19. The other four, needed to reach the threshold of 23 members, would come from the small formations that crowd the group of the 87 unaffiliated and unregistered. Among these would be the Catalan independence party Junts (which is headed by the former president of the Generalitat of Barcelona, ​​currently in exile, Carles Puigdemont) which in this round went from three to just one elected member, Toni Comìn.

If confirmation from the Smer were to arrive, the M5swhich in the past had an alliance with the UKIP of the British eurosceptic Farage and which failed to enter either the socialists or the Greens group, would leave the non-affiliated group and would have a group with which to assert itself within the committees and obtain parliamentary positions that are not guaranteed to non-affiliates. The decision, however, is in the hands of the Slovak Social Democrats. “We will see what they choose. They officially say they will negotiate only with the S&D, but there are rumors that they could also turn to the new project of the right of Visegrad with the Czech party Ano of Andrej Babis and with Fidesz of Viktor Orbàn”, a Slovak source in the European Parliament comments to LaPresse.

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