Elections in Iran, run-off between the reformist Pezeshkian and the fundamentalist Jalili

Elections in Iran, run-off between the reformist Pezeshkian and the fundamentalist Jalili
Elections in Iran, run-off between the reformist Pezeshkian and the fundamentalist Jalili

Iran’s Interior Ministry has officially announced that in the second round of the presidential elections held yesterday in Iran – called to replace President Ebrahim Raisi who died in a plane crash on May 19 – the reformist candidate Massud Pezeshkian and the ultra-conservative Said Jalili. The first was first in terms of number of preferences (WHO ARE THE CANDIDATES). “None of the candidates was able to obtain an absolute majority of votes” in the first round, and “consequently the first and second” in number of votes will compete on July 5, said the spokesman for the electoral service of the Tehran ministry.

The runoff on July 5th

In the second round, the government in Tehran recalls, the presidential candidate who obtains at least half plus one of the votes will replace the (ultraconservative) president Ebrahim Raisi, who died on May 19 in a helicopter crash. Starting today, the Interior Ministry announced, Pezeshkian and Jalili will begin their short electoral campaign, which will end next Thursday, July 5, the day of the vote.

Flop turnout: never so low since ’79

Record low turnout: the vote that sent Pezeshkian and Jalili to the runoff recorded a participation of just 40%, almost 9 points less than the previous ones in 2021 and the lowest since the founding of the Islamic Republic in 1979, the Iranian Election Commission reported.

in-depth analysis

Iran to vote after Raisi’s death, candidates and political scenario

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