“We will wipe out the Zionist regime.” Khamenei’s promise praising pro-Pal students

“We will wipe out the Zionist regime.” Khamenei’s promise praising pro-Pal students
“We will wipe out the Zionist regime.” Khamenei’s promise praising pro-Pal students

Also on the occasion of the funeral of President Ebrahim Raisi, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei he reiterated his desire to destroy Israel. During the meeting with the political leader of Hamas Ismail Haniyeh, who arrived in Iran to pay homage to the head of government who died in a helicopter crash, the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic declared that “with the grace of God, the day will come when Palestine will be from the sea to the river”.

God’s first promise regarding the Palestinian people, that is, the victory of the people of Gaza, has been fulfilled,” the ayatollah said. “On the same basis it will also be possible to realize the second promise, the cancellation of Zionist regime”. Khamenei then spent words of praise for the inhabitants of the Strip, whose “extraordinary resistance surprised the world” and expressed joy at the student intifada that has engulfed Western universities. “Who would have believed that one day pro-Palestine slogans would be chanted in the American universities and would the flag of Palestine be raised?”, he said as reported by the Irna agency.

In short, a great victory for the young people who, from Italy to the United States, occupied university institutes and staged marches and demonstrations on paper in support of the Palestinian people, but in fact often explicitly pro-Hamas and seasoned by antisemitism. They have become a tool for propaganda and the work of destabilizing a regime which represses human rights, kills women guilty of opposing the veil and massacres its political opponents.

Other pawns on the chessboard are Iran which, from 28 May, according to Israeli Foreign Minister Katz, will also be able to count on Ireland, Spain and Norway. The three countries, in fact, have unilaterally decided to recognize the existence of the Palestinian state, unleashing the anger of Tel Aviv and provoking adverse reactions in Washington too. According to a spokesperson for the White House Security Council, in fact, President Joe Biden is a supporter of the two-state solution, but provided that it is achieved through diplomatic talks directed between the parties.

As for direct threats against Israel, the Islamic Republic has already tried to flex its muscles on April 19, launching a massive attack of missiles and drones. The bombing, however, was stopped thanks to cooperation between the Jewish state, American, British, French and Gulf forces.

A real one anti-Iran axis which, combined with the fact that according to US officials half of the carriers failed to even reach their target, makes the ayatollah’s high-sounding declarations little more than propaganda.

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