Yellowstone, Kevin Costner on confirming his farewell to the series: “I don’t need drama” | TV

Yellowstone, Kevin Costner on confirming his farewell to the series: “I don’t need drama” | TV
Yellowstone, Kevin Costner on confirming his farewell to the series: “I don’t need drama” | TV

A few days ago, with a video released on his social networks, Kevin Costner has decided to confirm, once and for all, that he will not return in the final episodes of season 5 of Yellowstone (HERE ARE THE DETAILS).

In an interview with theHollywoodReporters made for the press promotion of his Horizon – An American saga, Kevin Costner he wanted to specify the reasons for this move a little better, explaining that it was a necessary act both for his fans and for himself since he doesn’t need “dramas”.

When asked if it was difficult to say goodbye to the Paramount series, he replies:

It wasn’t difficult. It was a necessary decision to clearly say that, “Okay, I really don’t want to talk about this anymore. It’s time to move forward.” I dedicated five seasons to this production. I was really happy to do it. And I don’t need drama. So, let’s get that drama out of the way, let’s get rid of the uncertainty. The fans have been too good to me. And my obligation is to move forward and continue to do things that mean something to them.

Just like Horizon, his new cinematic western epic in 4 chapters. Of which he says:

I owe my fans the best film I can make. If I stop making films and don’t want to make any more, that’s my decision. But if I choose to do them, I have a responsibility to the fans on my shoulders. And I’m not saying to indulge them, but to take them in a direction that perhaps they never would have thought possible. I make films for people. It’s no longer my film, it belongs to the fans who supported me. It’s for them.

But will Yellowstone fans appreciate Horizon? Kevin Costner thinks so:

Well, I’m not saying that if they like Yellowstone they’ll automatically like it, I’m saying that if I like it, I think they’ll like it too.

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SOURCE: Hollywood Reporter

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