Vladimir Luxuria and the flop Island of the Famous: “Targeted by criticism, barbs and jokes”

Vladimir Luxuria and the flop Island of the Famous: “Targeted by criticism, barbs and jokes”
Vladimir Luxuria and the flop Island of the Famous: “Targeted by criticism, barbs and jokes”

2 min. of reading

The 18th edition of Island of the Famous won by Aras Şenol was the least watched ever in the history of the program, with the least watched premiere ever and the episode (the tenth) with the fewest viewers ever.

A disaster, from whatever side you want to look at it, with an infinite number of criticisms, quite a few withdrawals and one expelled, Francesco Benigno, who then succumbed to transphobia towards Vladimir Luxuria, in his first test as a prime time presenter. A long-awaited experience for the former parliamentarian, who spoke about an edition from the pages of the weekly magazine Mio “targeted by criticism, barbs and jokes”.

“I’m not naive, I know that when you host a broadcast you are there for everyone to see. I therefore knew that I would be targeted with criticism, barbs and jokes. Criticism is fine, it can even be constructive. The thing I can’t stand are insults. And when I respond, I don’t do it just for myself, but also for those who, like me, must learn to react, not to cash in without raising their heads.”

In addition to Benigno, wanted by Vladimir herself as a competitor and who became the protagonist of repeated transphobic insults against him once he returned to Italy after his expulsion from the game, Fabrizio Corona also gave in to gratuitous transphobia, saying that in prime time “a man dressed as a woman in prime time” cannot be tolerated. “A man with a dick wearing makeup and fake tits dressed as a woman. I look at it and feel bad“. Unworthy words, those of Corona, to which Vladimir had responded in kind. But now that the Island is over, what are the future plans for Luxuria?

“I’ve already informed my agent that we won’t be in touch for a while: I want to relax and go on a safari in Kenya. Then afterwards I will be ready to evaluate all the proposals that arrive. I work in multiple sectors, from radio to theatre, from politics to TV… Let’s see, if proposals arrive, I will evaluate them.”

Director of the Lovers Film Festival of Turin also for 2025, Vladimir hosted The Red and the Black alongside Francesco Storace on Rai Radio1 for the entire season, while at the theater he starred in Princess.

In recent days Luxuria took part in the Turin Pride together with Michele Bravi, clarifying the lack of presence of LGBTQIA+ Jews at the Italian Pride events after the announcement of their non-participation: “I am against that world where politicians are making a mess because Palestinian flags are flying here. We are inclusive, Jews are welcome, Israelis are welcome, but those flags representing Benjamin Netanyahu are not welcome. And look, during the Pride events in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, our community has slogans against Netanyahu, who has many homophobes in his government, including a party that wants to ban Pride events by law. This is Netanyahu. And those flags that some Israeli soldier waved over the rubble of the Gaza Strip do not represent us because we will never rejoice over the suffering of the civilian victims who are under those buildings. We are a peace movement. And those politicians who accuse us of being pro-Palestinian make me laugh. Those politicians who profess to be pro-Israeli, who are the same ones who make the X Mas sign which protected the Nazi-fascist regime which took Jews and homosexuals to concentration camps. Shame on you“.

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