Viola come il mare 3 there will be: the previews

Purple like the sea 3 it will be reality. Piersilvio Berlusconi made the news official in a press conference at the beginning of June, during an assessment of the television season that ended and before the presentation of the autumn and winter schedules scheduled for the beginning of July. The CEO of Mediaset said he was satisfied with the results of the second season which ensured excellent results for the network.

Among the data highlighted during the meeting with the press, Berlusconi highlighted the total audience, therefore the sum between streaming and TV: fiction with Francesca Chillemi And Can Yaman it increased the average audience by 60%. In particular, the choice to distribute the second season as a preview on Mediaset Play was rewarded, where, in the first week of programming, users watched Viola come il mare for over 3 million hours. Then, the first TV viewing of the episodes, broadcast on Canale 5 first on Fridays and then on Thursdays, always ensured at least 2 million viewers. An unexpected result given the difficulties with fiction in recent years.

Purple like the sea 3: when will it be broadcast?

If the good news is the confirmation of a third season of the TV series, the public will have to be patient and wait a long time before being able to witness the evolution of the story between Viola Vitale and Francesco Demir. In fact, the two actors who play their roles are busy filming other projects and in order to both be available again, we will have to wait around May/June 2025 for the start of filming and, consequently, 2026 for the broadcast on Canale 5. The head writer of Lux Vide, Elena Bucaccio, is aiming for the middle of next year to trigger the first take with the previous months dedicated to writing the script. And there is already no shortage of ideas. From the very few previews that have emerged, other clouds and contrasts will arrive, her lifeblood to allow a series to continue her story. There will be a new theme at the center of the third season of “Viola come il mare” and, she assures her, “the new episodes will oscillate between this continuous desire and fear”. In the finale aired a few weeks ago, after misunderstandings and distances, the love between Viola and Francesco seems to triumph with the inspector’s admission of feelings towards the journalist. But, as we have learned over the years, with new episodes arriving, not everything can go smoothly. The next commitments of Francesca Chillem and Can Yaman will continue to see them protagonists of other fiction. The actress will have the leading role in the next season of “God help us”, after the exit of Elena Sofia Ricci who will return only as a guest star in some episodes of the Rai 1 series. A completely different genre, however, for Can Yaman who will take the role that brought Kabir Bedi to success. It will, in fact, be “Sandokan” in the new small screen adaptation of Emilio Salgari’s novel series. An international co-production which also includes Ed Westwick in the cast, among the protagonists of the cult TV series “Gossip Girl” in the role of Chuck Bass.

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