the last decision brings everything down

the last decision brings everything down
the last decision brings everything down

Mediaset, it seems things are getting really bad for Piersilvio and Canale 5: the latest decision is making everything collapse.

Things could get really bad at home Mediaset and for Piersilvio Berlusconi. We are certainly in a particularly delicate period, as the Rai is often broadcasting the Europe 2024 matches. Of course, Italy came out against Swiss in the match aired last Saturday, but this does not mean that they are no longer seen on Rai, on the contrary.

Yesterday evening, June 30th, according to the data, the match Spain-Georgia has won over at least 4 million viewers, reaching approximately 28% share. An episode of the new Turkish soap was aired on Canale 5, Family secrets which defended itself by reaching 12.5%. A figure that is not exactly low and in fact, the real ‘problem’ it’s not for the first evening, but for another decision that weighed on the afternoon Mediaset. (here to discover previous data on TV ratings). Here, in fact, is what happened yesterday.

Mediaset, things are going badly for Piersilvio and Canale 5: what happened yesterday

There was a decision which brought everything down yesterday afternoon, June 30. As for the soap operas with which they have chosen to fill the afternoons and most of the evenings Mediaset, there has been yet another change in programming. Endless Love, one of the most successful ones, was not broadcast yesterday and will not be on for the next weekends. The reason is that, enjoying excellent ratings, it decided to preserve it, removing both the Sunday and late evening appointments on Channel 5. On this occasion, it was already broadcast after The Rose of Revenge. On the one hand, keeping more episodes to air in the afternoon is certainly something positive, given the excellent results of the soap, but on the other, it has caused a collapse.

Endless Love, one of the main characters, Kemal

In fact, yesterday, and in particular in the afternoonMy Home My Destiny e The promiseyes. I am stops at only 13%. Last week, however, thanks to Endless Love we had reached just over 20%. For an afternoon broadcast, this is still a very high figure and at the same time significant. So, if on the one hand they still wanted to keep the episodes for the afternoon, taking away space from Sunday and late night, they still had a collapse on the other hand. This, among other things, also depends on another factor. Initially, My Home My Destiny was giving very high results, with at least 20% share. For this reason, when this decision was made, it was most likely decided to focus much more on the story of Zeynep. By doing so, will we be satisfied with just over 10% or will we take a step back, at least for Sunday afternoon? We’ll see.

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