A season of “clairvoyances” comes to an end: from the Giambruno case to the Ferragnez breakup (via puppy yoga)

A season of “clairvoyances” comes to an end: from the Giambruno case to the Ferragnez breakup (via puppy yoga)
A season of “clairvoyances” comes to an end: from the Giambruno case to the Ferragnez breakup (via puppy yoga)

Strip the news, the 36th season of Antonio Ricci’s satirical news program comes to an end, renamed “The voice of clairvoyance” which this year too has been able to anticipate many topics, from the Ferragnez break-up to the case of the footballers who sold their Rolexes to repay debts of game

The 36th season of. ends on Saturday 8 June The news spreads, renamed “The voice of clairvoyance”. «All these years we have happened to anticipate many things, from the winners of Sanremo at the Land of firesgive her capital gains of the soccer to the blue crab exploded last summer. From the tricks of pickpockets to those of masks and the Superbonus”, he declared Antonio Ricci last September 21st during the presentation of the new season. And this year too, Antonio Ricci’s satirical news program has demonstrated its ability to anticipate the future.

Here are some of the most sensational clairvoyances of season 36.

· From Ferragnez to FerragnEx

With a deepfakethat of Chiara Ferragni with the gray uniform of repentance Soumahoroon January 15, 2024 Strip had predicted the breakup of the Ferragnez: «I decided to leave Fedez». News made official on February 22nd. Furthermore, already on 15 October 2021 Antonio Ricci had seen into the future, in an interview given to Riccardo Bocca for TPI. To the question «As you imagine Chiara Ferragni in 10 years?”, he replied like this: “Without Fedez. She is a well-educated bourgeois young lady, he is very tacky: an alpha male».

· Footballers and Rolex bets

Versions already in 2022 deepfake Of Francesco Totti And Ilary Blasi they had talked several times about footballers selling the Rolex to repay the debts accumulated through gambling, a case that later exploded in October 2023. «Suppose he comes up with the idea of ​​playing cards for luxury watches, I have the guarantees», said “Ilary” in one episode. «I’m gambling for the last remaining Rolex», declared the Pupone Of Strip.

· Identifiers for agents, Strip he has been offering it since ’97

After the pro-Palestine demonstration on February 23rd Pisain which high school children were rounded up and forcibly dispersed by the police, a debate about which The news spreads has been involved since 1997: i policemen, like all agents involved in interventions of this type, should be recognizable thanks to an identification code, in order to be liable for any abuse and also, of course, to be exonerated. «A number like that of footballers», he said Enzo Iacchetti 27 years ago. But what is incredible is that nothing has changed since then. In Parliament lie five legislative proposals to make the identification code mandatory.

· A forecast of 16 billion euros

In 2016 the correspondent Moreno Morelloin collaboration with SOS Aps Usershad reported the news of a cartel set up by the main European banks to “tamper” for their own advantage the reference index of variable rate mortgages, theEuribor. In December 2023 the Supreme Court of Cassation confirmed that anyone who has a mortgage, leasing or loan with interest linked to Euribor between September 2005 and May 2008 can request the recalculation of interest and therefore a reimbursement for expenses unjustly incurred. A relevant forecast considering that the amount accumulated by the banks with those rates amounted to around 16 billion euros.

· The horror CPRs

Migrants not undergoing medical examination in the CPR, lack of medicines and spoiled and expired food. This is what is reported in the provision with which on 13 December 2023 the Milan prosecutors Paolo Storari and Giovanna Cavalleri ordered an “urgent preventive seizure” of the company Martinina srl who managed the center in via Corelli. The satirical news he was the first to tell the dramas of the CPR through exclusive images shot inside various detention centers for repatriations. February 27, 2023 Rajae Bezzaz she took care of just that in via Corelli and interviewed Ismael Maher, a former operator of the Center who said: «We saw guests every day being injected psychotropic drugs for a headache, stomach ache or flu».

Not just clairvoyances

There are many sensational cases in season number 36, starting with the very famous out of the way by Andrea Giambrunowhich was followed by the prime minister’s separation post Giorgia Meloni. News that literally went around the world: they write and talk about The news spreadsamong others, New York Times, Washington Post, El Pais, El Mundo, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Daily Mail, The Vanguard, The Times, Financial Times, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, CNN. On the website of Stripthe platforms Mediaset and on the social profiles of the satirical news program, the Giambruno case has generated approximately 15 million views.

But this is not the only satirical news report to have attracted media attention. Here is a review of the other most debated investigations of the year.

· Fagnani-gate: after Gruber another case of journalist-influencer

The performance reiterated by Francesca Fagnani of expensive one-note jewelry brand it cost the journalist a report to the Disciplinary Council, opened by the president of the Lazio Odg, Guido D’Ubaldo, after the investigation of Strip. The satirical news program will continue to cover this case. «TV is porn. From the Greek porne: prostitute (from the verb pernemi: to sell). Like any prostitute she must be dressed up in an exaggerated way for the solicitation. It is crucial to know that TV is not a window on the world, but a window on the market: the largest telemarket since the beginning of the history of humanity», summarizes Ricci in his book in 1998 Strip the TV (Einaudi).

· Puppies prohibited at puppy yoga

Less than a month after the first service of Chiara Squaglia on the cruel practice of puppy yoga (yoga with dogs of a few months or even a few weeks), the Ministry of Health clarified that the sessions of puppy yoga using puppy dogs are illegal.

· Other than extra virgin: the maxi-seizure of counterfeit oil

After the investigation of Luca Abete on the sale of counterfeit oil i Carabinieri they seized a Caivano (Naples), approximately 900 liters of oil and falsified labels. «We started by tracking down resellers of fake labels, then we found the sellers on the street and thus we arrived at the “counterfeit oil boss”, who confided to us that they have a large distribution network in Naples and the province. There is a real wave of counterfeit oil being sold using the drug dealing technique», says Abete, who has been investigating the matter since December 2023. From the analyzes carried out by authorized laboratories, to which the correspondent Strip subjected the oil, the product was found to be an unclear mixture of seed oils, passed off as extra virgin olive oil.

· Is touching Juliet’s breasts sexist?

Terre des Femmesa committed German organization against violence on womenused the statues “harassed” by tourists for an anti-harassment campaign launched in May 2024. The correspondent Chiara Squaglia, already in December 2023 had turned the spotlight on the topic with various reports, including one in Verona, where for ancient tradition is to touch the breast of the statue dedicated to Juliet.

· Amadeus and Mengoni dedicate “Hello beautiful” to Meloni

On February 6, during the first evening press conference of Sanremo Festival 2024, Amadeus And Marco Mengoniat the request of the correspondent of Strip Enrico Luccithey sing, dedicating it to Giorgia Meloni, the partisan song “Hello beautiful”. Gags which is taken up and relaunched by the media.

· Televoting chaos a Sanremo

Pinuccio since February he has been investigating the televoting chaos to the final of Sanremo Festival 2024, after many have reported anomalies and critical issues on the satirical news program for which state TV does not seem willing to give explanations. In his investigation for “Rai Scoglio 24” revealed that in total the unvalidated preferences would be around 7 million, compared to the 1.6 million registered ones.

· At “black” school

From January 30th Strip dedicates numerous services to resellers of cash registers who “teach” customers (especially restaurateurs) the tricks to evade taxes: from the pre-account that does not end up at the Revenue Agency, to the second printer connected to the cash register that produces non-fiscal receipts. The Moreno Morello correspondents dealt with the case, Jimmy Ghione, Max Laudadio, Riccardo Trombetta And Dario Ballantini. And now, after an appeal to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the investigation has reached Parliament with a question to the Minister of Economy Giorgetti.

· Fighting pickpockets for 15 years

Pickpocketing is a topic that The news spreads has been following for 15 years. It was April 4, 2009 when Antonio Casanova he dealt with for the first time muggings. Now, more than ten years later, the topic is more relevant than ever and it seems that pickpockets have increased, as demonstrated by numerous investigations by Valerio Staffelli.

Giancarlo Scheri, director of Canale 5:

«A season, the 36th, that leaves its mark. Strip does not abandon its editorial line, made up of denunciations and ridicule of the flaws of our society, whose brilliant dispenser of critical thought – Antonio Ricci – is a pride of Channel 5 and its prime-time access.

The praise of the Mediaset flagship goes, primarilyto the creator of the satirical news program and to all the hosts who took turns during the edition (in this last part, the great Gerry Scotti and Michelle Hunzikerwith the Showgirls Cosmary Fasanelli and Anastasia Ronca), and to sentgarlic authors et al team which creates a program that involves a constant and daily productive commitment. Thank you all for the passion, quality and energy put into play. Values ​​that are never predictable and always rewarding. Well done!”.

Excellent results for Strip also on the social side. Here are some data:

  • People reached every week by the page Facebook: 3,917,000 (+7% compared to the previous edition);
  • People reached every week by the profile Instagram: 1,792,000 (+46% compared to the previous edition);
  • People reached every week by the TikTok profile: 2,367,000 (change compared to previous edition not available).
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