“Rai would like to make him pay”, “he will have to give up one of the two prime time slots”: the uncertainty over Serena Bortone’s future

“Rai would like to make him pay”, “he will have to give up one of the two prime time slots”: the uncertainty over Serena Bortone’s future
“Rai would like to make him pay”, “he will have to give up one of the two prime time slots”: the uncertainty over Serena Bortone’s future

From Dagospia to Repubblica, the rumors speak of a “halved” commitment for the presenter and journalist: here’s why

There is a case Serena Bortone to Viale Mazzini. After Rai1’s forced exit from the afternoon because it was deemed by the new right-wing governance “too inclusive and left-wing“, the presenter arrived last September in the access prime time of the Rai3 weekend with the program “What will be“, in a difficult position to say the least (from Fazio to Gramellini to the phenomenon Your business).

Until the now well-known Scurati case, the journalist had denounced on social media and then on live television the censorship of the writer who was supposed to read a monologue on April 25th in the talk show. Hosted missed at the last minute and text read live by the hostess who subsequently had to deal, after several shaky reconstructions, with the opening of disciplinary proceedings by the company. “I love this company very much. I was born there, raised there, it valued me. I have been able to do many beautiful things and I would like to continue doing them with dignity and freedom”, Bortone’s words.

His future is a puzzle, very much at risk. Second Dagospia Rai “would like to make him pay” and at the moment it would not appear in the schedules for next season. Republic instead he speaks of a halved purge, a punishment not yet formalized by his Sergio-Rossi: “Unable to expel her, as was their intention, so as not to be accused of wanting to muzzle information, the editor-in-chief of Rai3 would still have to give up one of the two evenings into which his broadcast is divided,” explains journalist Giovanna Vitale.

A return to the schedule but only for one evening, on Saturday, coincidentally the most difficult day from an audit point of view. A departure scheduled for September 14th, news that has not yet been commented on by the public company and the presenter. For Republic Sunday evening would be intended for the journalist Luisella Costamagnathe presenter of “Tango” on social media denies the indiscretionalso denying interest in another Rai3 title “Night Line“, published by Tg3 and currently hosted by Monica Giandotti.

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