“Toti is in prison for her” – Libero Quotidiano

Roberto Tortora

07 June 2024

The judicial investigation that overwhelmed the governor of Liguria, Giovanni Totihas sparked a fuss of controversy and the request is increasingly pressing, especially among the opposition parties, for a resignation from the president of the Liguria region. This delicate topic is also discussed at Forehand and backhandProgram of Paolo Del Debbio which delves into political and current affairs issues on Rete4. It’s in the studio Pietro Senaldico-director of Freewhich harshly attacks the mayor of Pesaro, Matteo Ricciat altitude Democratic party.

These are the words of Senaldi, who defends Toti: “He will be a hero of justice, because he will have freed politics and you too (addressing mayor Ricci, ed) from the blackmail of the judiciary, so if someone is under investigation he must resign as president. Toti is in prison also for her sake, also for the freedom of her mayor.”

The response from the mayor of Pesaro arrives promptly: “Don’t make me play the part of justicialist, because they aren’t. I make an argument in the interest of Ligurian citizens. The port is under administration, there are fundamental investments to be made on land, the investigation is so profound that he was arrested. Since I think he must defend himself, he defends himself better if he resigns and exits this discussion. I am always a supporter of administrators, but I cannot accept such an attack on the judiciary. But how can you say that the magistrates want Toti’s head, they want him out politically, etc.. The magistrates will be magistrates, they can also make mistakes, but how can we continue with this clash with the judiciary. We’ve had it for thirty years and it wasn’t enough for you, still the clash with the judiciary? Enough.”

Senaldi, however, denies it: “First of all, the port is under police administration, but the Region has little or nothing to do with it, because it is under the administration of the Municipality, therefore the fact that Toti is under arrest does not prejudice the port, it does not prejudice it in the slightest, then why did they arrest him? There were no elements to arrest him and there are no elements and conditions to keep him in prison”.

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