Salento public health in crisis: urgent intervention needed

Salento public health in crisis: urgent intervention needed
Salento public health in crisis: urgent intervention needed

Salento public health is in a critical condition and needs a immediate intervention. Despite the national government’s efforts to involve the private sector in addressing long waiting lists, hospitals locals are increasingly in difficulty. In particular, the emergency room in Lecce is often managed by a single doctor, who has to deal with an increasing number of patients, especially during the tourist season.

The Gallipoli hospital is in a particularly worrying situationas highlighted by the complaint of FP-CGIL. The serious shortage of medical personnel in the Anesthesia and Resuscitation department could lead to the closure of the department itself in the summer period, a time of maximum influx.

The activity of operating room has already been reduced, reserving it almost andexclusively for emergencies, with a consequent lengthening of waiting times for scheduled interventions. The Gallipoli PO, a level I DEA with departments of Surgery, Cardiology and Orthopedics, in addition to a birth point, cannot afford to further reduce the number of Anesthetists and Resuscitators. Furthermore, the presence of the hyperbaric chamber, essential for a hospital located in a marine area, makes maintaining an adequate number of specialized personnel even more critical.

The adoption of temporary solutions, such as the Ready Availability, it doesn’t solve the problem of the shortage of medical personnel and puts the clinical management of patients throughout the facility at risk. According to what Floriano Polimeno reported, a decisive and timely intervention is essential to avoid further worsening.

The critical situation of the Salento hospitals reflects a broader problem affecting Italian public healthcare. Institutions must act quickly to guarantee the safety and health of citizens, especially in a period of high tourist influx which puts further pressure on the local health system.

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