Noa Argamani speaks out for first time since kidnapping

Noa Argamani speaks out for first time since kidnapping
Noa Argamani speaks out for first time since kidnapping

Noa Argamani speaks for the first time since her release. “I am home now, but we cannot forget the hostages who are still held captive in Gaza, waiting for their return,” says in a video published on the social media of ‘Hostages and missing family forum’, the 25-year-old symbol of October 7, rescued on June 8 from Hamas captivity at the beginning of June, inviting us to remember those who are still in the hands of Hamas in Gaza, including her boyfriend Avinatan Or.

Noa was rescued with three other hostages, after eight months of captivity in the Gaza Strip, in a raid conducted by Israeli forces in Nuseirat. “My biggest worry during my captivity were my parents,” she said, referring to her mother’s illness with terminal cancer. “It is a great privilege, to be able to be close to her,” she concluded, asking that everything possible be done so that the other hostages can also regain their freedom.

Who is Noa?

The girl had been kidnapped by Hamas militants at the Supernova rave festival in the Negev desert and had become one of the symbols of the October 7 attack. The video of the kidnapping of the Israeli student, while she was separated from her boyfriend in tears and crying for help, was circulated in the first hours of the massacre. A ten-second clip, which went around the world, where the girl is seen being loaded onto the back of a motorbike, shouting “don’t kill me” and being taken to the Gaza Strip. The young girl studied at Ben Gurion University in Israel. A girl like many others who, passionate about music, had gone dancing with her boyfriend, who was also kidnapped.

Noa’s mother is battling brain cancer and has done everything she can to see her daughter free again. The images of Noa’s embrace with her father Yaakov, immediately after her release, went around the world.

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