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Gas Power Plant in Castellanza: “Unbearable Noise and Vibrations”

«This power plant is ruining our lives, we can’t sleep or stay at home peacefully because of the noise and vibrations». residents of the area that goes from via Pomini to Buon Gesùbetween Castellanza and Olgiate Olona, ​​are once again contesting the natural gas power plant built by Wärtsilä inside the Chemical Pole for the‘noise pollution and vibrations that are damaging their quality of life.

Although the company has all the authorizations to operate regularly, those who live near the plant complain of strong inconvenience. After collecting over 400 signatures, still to be deposited in the Municipalities of Castellanza and Olgiate Olona, ​​yesterday evening, July 1st, a moment of protest was organised in conjunction with the system being turned on.

Present were the Pd municipal councilor, Gianni Bettoni and the secretary of the Pd of Castellanza Alberto Dell’Acqua, determined to fight to find an improved solution for the residents: «The issue – declares Bettoni – is rather serious. After a year and four months of tests and attempts to arrive at a change and a common solution, Unfortunately the problem has not been solved yet. In fact it seems to have gotten worse: the noise is really annoying and today we are here together with the residents to protest. As Pd of Castellanza we reiterate our absolute support to the spontaneous committee and to all the citizens. We could all be in their conditions. The responsible bodies have worked, a lot has been done, but they have all been vain attempts. Ours is not a war against anyone, we intend We are working to find a solution that satisfies citizens: for some of them the situation is becoming so stressful that it is ruining their lives. The center is activated according to need and there are not even protected time slots”.

«The problem – adds the secretary of the Democratic Party, Alberto Dell’Acqua – is having repercussions not only in Castellanza but also in Buon Gesù, between Olgiate and Busto. I assure you that thethe vibration that I feel behind me at this moment (last night, ed.) is truly unbearable. There are recordings that demonstrate how the vibrations of doors, gates and windows are very disturbing. The low frequency ones are the most annoying because they make mattresses and window frames shake, disturbing sleep».

The video includes statements from the two politicians and videos sent by residents from their homes while they can hear the noises and vibrations caused by the plant.

A natural gas power plant in the chemical hub of Castellanza

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