here is the price – QuiFinanza

here is the price – QuiFinanza
here is the price – QuiFinanza

In Italy Charterhouse Villa has somehow long been part of the political discussion. It is in fact the historic residence of Silvio Berlusconi in Sardinia, in Porto Rotondo. Home to numerous meetings between prominent local and international figures. It cannot be ruled out that it could become part of the heritage of Hassanal Bolkian, the Sultan of Brunei.

Villa Certosa for sale

Hassanal Bolkian, the man at the top of the absolute Islamic monarchy that governs Brunei, the island of Borneo, is 77 years old. He seems particularly interested in expanding his real estate assets with an asset that boasts a great history.

As mentioned, we are talking about Villa Certosa and, in fact, the only reason why this is news is linked to the previous owner. Silvio Berlusconi was in love with this place, which boasts 4500 square meters, 126 rooms it’s a 120 hectare park. His heirs have put this and several other properties up for sale.

However, it is certainly not easy to be able to place a villa of this kind on the market. The indicated price is 500 million euros. An incredible sum, which however certainly does not scare the Sultan of Brunei. Those who boast 452 Ferraris, 500 Rolls Royces and, in total, a vehicle fleet of 7 thousand units in their garage, will not be intimidated by half a billion (his garage is worth 5, ed.).

A first inspection in person, albeit remotely, has apparently already been carried out. It seems that this occurred during the cruise for the marriage of his son Abdul Mateenwho wanted to tour the Mediterranean, also stopping in Sardinia. Pier Silvio Berlusconi is currently staying in the residence, and he should soon be joined by his older sister, Marina. It seems that the Sultan’s interest has been expressed for some time now and, among all the potential buyers, he would appear to be at the top of the list. Hotel groups or other billionaires, from the United States or the Arabs, could also come forward. What is certain is that Villa Certosa will never return to being what it once was. That phase died with Silvio Berlusconi. The time when people like former US President George Bush, Russian President Vladimir Putin or former British Prime Minister Tony Blair could set foot there is over.

Who is the Sultan of Brunei

Hassanal Bolkian, 77, is the sultan of Brunei for more than 50 years. To understand how much economic availability he boasts, Villa Certosa is actually worth two Boeing 747-400s for him. He boasts one, gold-plated, worth 233 million dollars. It is not yet clear, however, whether this potential purchase is for himself or a wedding gift for his son.

The sultan is among the richest men in the world, as is easy to imagine. His total assets are estimated at around 22 billion dollars. He has 3 official wives and 12 children. Eccentric like Berlusconi, he is said to have built a personal zoo, but not only that. During his long reign he is said to have paid Michael Jackson 16 million dollars for a performance on his 50th birthday. He is also said to have had a harem of 40 women. A character as bizarre, in some respects, as he is harshly criticized. In his kingdom, freedom is limited and in 2019 he introduced a law that punishes homosexuality with death by stoning. The subsequent promise, after international condemnations, according to which the atrocious law would never be applied, was of little use.

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