At these prices I top up with the extension in the courtyard…

At these prices I recharge with the extension cord in the yard… Other readers, after Marco, vent their frustration over the prohibitive costs of the charging stations. Vaielettrico he replies. We remind you that the address to write to us is [email protected] .
The photo that Sandro sent us of the new Be Charge.

At these prices I can make do at home, no more charging stations

“SI am originally from a small village in the province of Brescia in which they placed a beautiful Hyper Charger column Eni Plenitude, price per kilowatt-hour 0,9 euro. The only explanation I can give is that they were forced by the European Community to install these columns. But they have no intention of spreading electric cars. So tomorrow I will equip myself with an extension cord and I recharge from home to the courtyard below…. Sandro Laffranchini

Is it possible that recharging costs more than getting gas? Prices should have gone down…

“IIn one of your articles from February 2023, it was foreseen the possibility of reductions of the cost of kW/h at public charging stations (especially superfast and ultrafast). But it is now clear that not only have prices not decreased, but they have increased. And that they even have removed subscriptionsi. The result is that to travel the same km in electric mode (I don’t consider diesel because it is too different in terms of convenience), it costs as much as a litre of petrol (with slow refills). And even double with ultrafast refills. What is the point of encouraging the purchase of electric cars and having very powerful electric cars built, if anything is it more expensive than thermal? I would like to know your opinion. Is it possible to point out this situation? Thank you“. Sergio Casarella

Answer. We have been writing for months that one of the biggest obstacles to the spread of electric cars in Italy is the prohibitive price of charging, among the most expensive in Europe. It’s a cat chasing its tail. The big managers say that the charging stations are little used and so they have to keep prices high to recover at least part of the investment. But if recharging is expensive, people keep their petrol cars and the employment rate does not increase. In closing, a recommendation to Sandro: recharging at home is right, but it must be done safely. Throw away an extension cord to reach an outlet It is not recommended.

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