“The youth sector is our future”

“The youth sector is our future”
“The youth sector is our future”


For a long time the Juventus fans wanted to hear about it Gino Pozzounderstand from him which path Udinese is taking? The top Juventus manager, surprisingly, gave an exclusive interview to Venetian Messenger: the full video and the complete interview will be released tomorrow. Today a preview of his speech was published. And here is an even more unexpected surprise: Pozzo jr indicates the new path of Udinese in the care of the youth sector: “We want Udinese to be the best in the youth football sector in Italy. With the new rules it is an additional complication, because then you can find yourself in situations like that of an agent who went to sign a contract with a 15-year-old boy to tell him that he was taking him away and paying commissions. Things that are disgusting, that are against all the rules. The message is that we want to strengthen the local youth sector to offer the opportunity to all young Friulians to be able to play for Udinese. Then, obviously, it is the quality that allows you to get there. We have had some good guys, like that string of goalkeepers, one better than the other. Then we have Palma, a 2008 who is already going on retreat with the first team, and Pejicic, very good. With this policy they are starting to emerge, we want to strengthen this strategy, create a channel for local talents“:
Then what will be missing? Because in Spring, then: “This is a structural problem, something is moving with the second teams, but they need to streamline them a lot more. They cost too much. We are still too far from the concept of second teams that exists in Spain, where all clubs have second teams, with costs that are those of the Primavera. Here there are a series of constraints in a context where you ultimately have to go and make the team for that championship, instead it should be a continuation. What do they do? They don’t have the Primavera. They lower the age of the youth sector and from there you move on to the second team. The second team is fantastic because basically what the 18-year-old boy lacks is experience, but that gap with Serie A, how do you close it? It’s almost impossible. Instead there, in a very natural way this gap is closed. It would be enough to copy. The cost is that of a Primavera and with great flexibility you can move from the second team to the first team“.

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