Summer bonfires, the fire of mystical rituals between rites and folklore » TAMTAM TV

Summer bonfires, the fire of mystical rituals between rites and folklore » TAMTAM TV
Summer bonfires, the fire of mystical rituals between rites and folklore » TAMTAM TV

The fire that burns in summer, among rocks and beaches. The bonfires of groups, of seasonal loves, perhaps distantly recall the mystical rituals of certain holidays. The sacred ones, born from the ashes of ancient pagan rites. Let’s think about the anniversary of Saint Lucia who, after the Edict of Constantine (313 AD), inherited many aspects of the cult of Demeter, goddess of the Earth.

Even today, Lucia, the patron saint bearer of light, who with her martyrdom defeats the darkness, carries a torch in her hand. And so, during the night of December 13, bonfires are lit in Ispica, Carlentini and Realmonte, in the Agrigento area.

Let us also think of the fires lit in honor of St. Joseph. “Purifying fires – writes Maria Rosa Malesani Bongiovanni in Rites and folklore in Sicilian popular religiosity – linked to the Spring equinox which symbolise, on March 19, the rebirth of nature, a rite inherited from the pagan past». These bonfires are called “vampanigghi”, and in the Syracuse area they are found in Pachino, Avola and Portopalo.

«In Syracuse – continues the scholar – they were called “fucati” and the tradition of bonfires was linked to that of burning old boats from whose ashes more fruitful boats would be reborn». But the fires are also lit on Ascension Day, to burn the old household furnishings, in the name of the popular saying: “On the eve of Ascinsiuni, every bad frùscula nesci fora”.

According to Pitrè, these fires would recall the “Palilie”, that is, the ancient festivals that the Romans celebrated on April 11th, setting fire to piles of dry grass and straw after sowing. And on the night of June 24th, the feast of Saint John, in some coastal areas of eastern Sicily, in particular in the city of the Strait, the bonfires are lit which link the feast of the Baptist with the advent of the summer solstice. Apparently, once upon a time, some magical rituals linked to premonition and the marriage of virgins were performed during this date. In any case, the spirit of the ritual was to give strength to the Sun, because from that date the days would shorten until the winter solstice.

The purifying function of fire is present in many parts of Europe, for example in the Noche de San Juan in Spain (photo above) and in the Fogueiras de São João in Portugal.

Daniela Frisone

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