Annalisa, NASA dedicates an asteroid to her

Annalisa, NASA dedicates an asteroid to her
Annalisa, NASA dedicates an asteroid to her

Annalisa is having an exceptional year. Not only from a musical point of view, but also on a personal level, and the latest news from the United States proves it: the Nasa has in fact dedicated an asteroid to the Italian singer who released eight albums and sold 3.9 million copies on the market.

NASA’s words

Ora Annalisa Scarronewhich we all know as Annalisa, also has a celestial body that bears her name: 20014 Annalisa. The American Space Agency writes these words in the asteroid data sheet: “She has a degree in physics but has made her mark in the music industry, achieving considerable international success with her songs that have won awards and numerous platinum records.”.

The technical details

The asteroid sheet also reports technical and orbital details, its current position, trajectory and physical characteristics. The celestial body was discovered in 1991 by the American astronomer Henry E. Holt and there is a diameter of 4,441 km. Nel 2023 Annalisa she was included by Forbes in the list of one hundred successful women in Italy. The singer, who is experiencing a moment of great popularity, is achieving great success in Spain with the single When when when. She also recently released the single Short stories with Tananai.

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