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“Mom, I’m happy in Rome”

“It’s all right, Mom, I am happy to be in Rome and I want to stay here”. From the phone of 21-year-old DCD, the American found lifeless in the bathroom of his university accommodation last week, further doubts emerge about the suicide hypothesis. A sturdy boy that he took his life with the cable of his smartphone, but was found with his feet on the ground. Even if the toilet pipe had given way, would he have been able to support its weight long enough to suffocate him? The opening of the investigation for incitement to suicide by the prosecutor Fabio Santoni currently has no suspects, but the police are examining the entire reconstruction of the boy’s evening enrolled in a private university and housed in the Bonus Pastor House Vatican property, in Italian territory (via Aurelia, hence the jurisdiction of the Rome prosecutor’s office).

The friends version

He was in a room with two compatriots, who said they had been subjected to sexual advances by him and had therefore taken refuge in the hall. Returning to the room at 8 in the morning, they would have found him sleeping. Then, three hours later, the discovery of his lifeless body by an attendant. What could have caused that suicidal intention to mature after a whole night? The boy’s family does not believe his advances with the other two because The 21-year-old had never had homosexual interests in the past. I roommates, in the meantime, they have already left for the United States. The boy’s message to his mother dates back to that very night.

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