and anti-heat measures take effect immediately –

and anti-heat measures take effect immediately –
and anti-heat measures take effect immediately –

You had given up. By now you thought summer was almost over, with a temperate climate and a humid and rainy season. Even the forecasts saw us sheltered. And instead.

Instead, heat, sultriness and countermeasures descend upon the most beautiful moment, on a Saturday at the end of June already given up for lost. And if you were already complaining, today the additional reason will officially be the first day of yellow heat Genova.

It was established by Ministry of Health and there’s no escaping from here: in its bulletin on heat waves Genoa is also included in the ‘hot’ cities, just a tad below the acceptable threshold: a Saturday with heat alert level 1, out of three possible degrees, an alert that puts warn of possible negative health effects of temperatures.

It must be said that, compared to the anticyclone that is hitting Italy, we will not be among the most climatically unfortunate areas.

But if last year this type of temperature at the end of June-beginning of July had already shown itself well, for 2024 we are at the debut, those sensitive to temperature changes and above all to muggy hoods have been warned. Summer arrives and even with a little delay.

The fact is that today will be a day that is anything but to be underestimated in terms of the mercury.

After days of unstable weather, weeks of temperatures below the seasonal average, suddenly the thermometer will mark 27 degrees in the morning with peaks of 28 in the hottest hour while the perceived temperatures will settle at 32 perceived degrees.

The yellow dot is equivalent to a pre-alert for weather conditions that may precede the occurrence of a heat wave. According to the Ministry of Health, the scenario should return to the green light from tomorrow.

Meanwhile the Liguria region has already gone to the wind with the Hot Planlaunched a few days ago, which will be activated as usual in the event of an orange or red bulletin which mainly involves those interested in social and health protection and provides targeted actions to prevent and reduce potential risks deriving from heat waves.

The Ligurian audience, according to regional data, concerns about 5,500 fragile people or in any case susceptible to heat waves with risk estimated as high. In July a prevention campaign will also be released, on the correct behaviors to follow to prevent the effects of heat waves that, although late, are destined to hit our territory too, which until now has remained sheltered compared to other areas of Italy.

Home remedies, or those on the news if you prefer, remain more or less the same in this season: for those who do not have particular health problems, the essential thing is to avoid exposing oneself to the sun and heat during the central hours of the day, thus avoiding the peaks of ‘heat’ and their repercussions on blood pressure and health in general.

The situation is more complex for the elderly and at-risk groups who need to be protected from exposure to the heat.

In short, we resist: some trying to take a refreshing bath, some trying to find shady shelter in the city.

Management is not easy, particularly in urban centres, and Genoa is no exception. In the heart of the city, apart from shops and means of transport with polar air conditioning, it becomes difficult to find fresh air.

A break in the shade, very few sheltered benches, a stop at the supermarket near the refrigerated counter or in recent years the fashion of passing through the small square in front of the Prefecture towards the Mazzini gallery where a maxi-floor grate filters and vents the air conditioning in the adjacent offices, giving passers-by a bit of fresh air: this is what the city offers, without prejudice to the possibility of reaching the sea and taking a dip.

For the vulnerable groups, however, “the Ligurian health and social system is gearing up to prevent potential risks to the detriment of the elderly, especially, in view of the hottest weeks – explained the interim president of the Liguria Region a few days ago Alessandro Piana – In addition to the widespread coordination between family doctors and local health authorities, and thanks to the health facilities spread throughout the territory, the information campaigns promoted by the Region will also contribute to guaranteeing the safety of citizens and tourists”.

Among the organizations committed to the territory for those at risk are the social custodians and neighborhood butlers, the regional toll-free number 800 593235, active seven days a week from 8 am to 8 pm for orientation, information and to collect requests from citizens, for example for small daily errands.

The activities related to monitoring heat waves will continue until September 20, with possible extensions if necessary based on the climate situation. Temporarily during the emergency period, there is also the possibility of new care for fragile people, always in synergy with social spheres with a view to prevention for non-critical situations, which however could become complicated due to the heat.

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