NASA celebrates Annalisa, the asteroid in her name: tribute and reasons

NASA celebrates Annalisa, the asteroid in her name: tribute and reasons
NASA celebrates Annalisa, the asteroid in her name: tribute and reasons

Also there Nasa celebrates Annalisa Scarrone, known to everyone simply as Annalisa. It’s not a joke, it’s all true. The civilian government agency responsible for the space program and aerospace research of the United States of America honored the Italian singer from Savona by calling a asteroid with his name. In particular, a small celestial object was named “20014 Annalisa”. The reason for this choice is also explained on the website of the famous and prestigious American organization. A fact sheet is also provided.former student of Amici di Maria De Filippi.

She has a degree in physics, but has made her mark in the music industry,” we read on the US portal in reference to “20014 Annalisa”. NASA points out that the “sign” left by the Ligurian artist refers to the notable success achieved internationally by the “his songs have won awards and numerous platinum records.” In other words, the musician from Savona, by virtue of having obtained a degree in physics from theUniversity of Turincaught the attention of the American agency which, in a certain sense, made its name eternal by linking it to a space asteroid.

Details of the asteroid that NASA dedicated to Annalisa Scarrone

On the NASA website, the activity of the celestial body that bears the name of our local artist is constantly updated. For example, it was recently reported that the last time that “20014 Annalisa” was captured by the powerful telescopes of the US organization was last May, two months after the singer’s performance at the Sanremo Festival (at famous singing competition Annalisa participated with the song “Sincerely“).

The asteroid’s data sheet and all its technical and orbital details, including its current position, trajectory and physical characteristics, are also available on the NASA website.

In the “Discovery Circumstances” section, there is also an explanation of who Annalisa is and why the celestial body was dedicated to her. This is completely free data, that is, accessible to anyone. Anyone interested in the asteroid can simply go to the website and the appropriate tabs to follow the journey of “20014 Annalisa”.

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