“But what bullying against Contrario! The PD is playing the victim”

“But what bullying against Contrario! The PD is playing the victim”
“But what bullying against Contrario! The PD is playing the victim”

But what episodes of bullying! The majority groups of the City Council send back to sender the accusations made against them by the leadership group of the Ionian Pd and relaunch: “The Pd – they say – when it cannot attack, it plays the victim”.

Casus belli the impediment to the leader of the Pd group in the Council, Luca Contrario, from declaring the vote on the resolution on the increase in Tari tariffs. Faced with significant reductions in the functions of categories such as bars, B&Bs, fuel distributors, restaurants (reductions ranging from 11 to 53%), councilor Contrario proposed reducing the discounts and redistributing the excess to families in economic difficulty and to neighborhood commerce grappling with a pressing crisis.
Proposal rejected by the sender in the Council. And on what happened the majority groups return today to distance themselves from the accusations of bullying made against them by the Democratic Party. “The leader of the Democratic Party – says the majority – was evidently taken aback by the measure on TARI approved by the City Council. He was against it, expecting a resolution of tears and blood, as his political party had irresponsibly announced. Too bad that things in the Council went exactly the opposite of what the group leader had foreseen. Not only were there no increases in taxes, but on the contrary, for many categories of users there were also significant reductions. At this point – the majority groups add – not knowing exactly what to say, Councilor Contrario launched into a disquisition regarding the different categories of users, despite the fact that in previous interventions he had already been informed that these categories are not established by the City Council but are provided for by a general regulation” and from the benches of the Council, the majority councilors add, “he was once again made aware that the table of categories was not a matter that could be modified by the Council” as it was provided for “by a general regulation”.
Which is why, according to the majority, the PD group leader, not knowing what to say, “went into a rage and began to argue that he was not allowed to speak, playing the victim. But no one offended him, no one stopped him from speaking. To realize this, just watch the video recording of the session. Far from “bullying” as it has been irresponsibly written. Rather – this is the conclusion of the majority – regarding respect for the institutions, the PD group leader should be pointed out that before participating in the work of the highest city meeting it would be advisable to gather information on the topics to be discussed and that the PD group, given the importance of the item on the agenda, he would have done well not to present himself with just one councilor out of three”.

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