Simona Ventura and Giovanni Terzi’s Wedding, the Pre-Wedding Party with a Thousand Guests

Simona Ventura and Giovanni Terzi’s Wedding, the Pre-Wedding Party with a Thousand Guests
Simona Ventura and Giovanni Terzi’s Wedding, the Pre-Wedding Party with a Thousand Guests

Simona Ventura and Giovanni Terzi threw a huge pre-wedding party in Milan, where yesterday – Wednesday 26 June – they welcomed around a thousand guests, including colleagues, friends, relatives and loved ones.

In view of the fateful yes expected for July 6, 2024 in Rimini, the two engaged couples threw a memorable party: a pre-wedding in a dream location, with a taste of all the elegance that was the common thread shown by the many contents published on Instagram by dozens and dozens of guests.
The guests shared the magic of the mega party on social networks.

“Three, two, one… let’s start this party!”, announced the TV presenter

Simona Ventura, officially lighting up spirits and atmosphere as only she can do.

At the bottom of this article you can watch the video shared yesterday morning by Simona Ventura on Instagram: it is the film in which Giovanni Terzi officially asks her for her hand, on TV, accompanied by a very sweet caption on his birthday, which yesterday celebrated 60 years.

The pre-wedding party on June 26th

The pre-wedding party was held in Milan on June 26, where they toasted their union and their fateful yes that will arrive in a few days.
After the “controversy” on the internet relating to what we tried to define, clearly jokingly, as the IBAN-gate (i.e. the fact that at the bottom of the wedding invitation there was the IBAN code for possible contributions to the couple’s honeymoon, with the words “Simona and Giovanni honeymoon”), the couple started celebrating in style.

Simona Ventura was the great protagonist of the party, attending with a white lace jacket and trousers suit. Giovanni Terzi showed up in a blue tailored suit.

Among the thousand guests also Valeria Marini, Alba Parietti, Eleonora Daniele, Giusy Ferreri, Luisa Corna, Raffaella Fico with her daughter Pia, Valeria Graci, Barbara Foria, Paola Barale, Giulia Salemi, Pierpaolo Pretelli, Daniele Battaglia, Nadia Venturini and Alessandro Boero , the DJ producer Ben Dj.

in-depth analysis

Simona Ventura on TV with facial paresis: “Nothing much, it’s the cold”

The pre-wedding on Terzi’s birthday

Ventura and Terzi’s pre-wedding party took place on the future groom’s birthday.

Simona Ventura yesterday morning, the day of the celebration, posted the video in which he asked her hand on TV, and wrote: “Today is the first of 10 days that we will remember, love and protect for our entire lives. We will forever unite our paths, our projects, our elective affinities. We chose it together Giovanni Terzi because today is also your birthday! You are life, love, guidance, protection, energy. I love you infinitely”.

For his part, the future groom replied: “And today marks sixty years! Yes, today, with Simona Ventura, we decided to start celebrating our marriage union. Sixty years is starting to be quite an achievement especially looking back and seeing how many events have happened in my life. Events that have certainly changed me, transformed me and made me (for better or worse) the person I am today. If there is a phrase that represents me and that constantly reminds me, it is that of George Bernard Shaw: life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. Good life to everyone”.

Simona Ventura’s family adores Giovanni Terzi

Simona Ventura’s sister, Sara, also published a delightful message addressed to her brother-in-law: “You entered our lives like a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day… You made us love you right away… #noiuno… You made a difference motto is a lifestyle and you have also passed it on to all of us, always including us… Happy birthday to you Giovanni Terzi who is celebrating with all of us today with Simona Ventura… I love you always and forever!!!”.

Below you can find the video shared yesterday morning by Simona Ventura on Instagram.

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