Horoscope of the day: Friday 28 June 2024

June 27, 2024, 6:30 PM

4 min of reading

LiveSicilia’s daily horoscope, curated by Skystar, to discover the predictions for June 28, 2024. Love, work, well-being and luck. Rankings, votes and advice from the Sicilian stars will accompany you until the new sun rises.

Daily Horoscope: From Aries to Virgo, the forecast for June 28

♈ Aries

Today, dear Aries, your energy level is through the roof, it’s a shame that the stars have decided not to cooperate. Too much energy and too little direction can lead to total chaos. Take a break and think, maybe it’s better to stay in bed.

Sicilian Star Council: “Take some suli and rest, it’s better.” Today you feel like a scooter, but remember: without petrol stations you can’t go far. Rating: 6

♉ Tour

Perfect day for shopping, Taurus. Too bad your bank account doesn’t agree. But who needs money when you can dream? Go ahead, fill your cart, and then empty it quickly.

Council of the Sicilian stars: “Look, but do not touch, and save.” With all this spending, I feel like the stock market is crying. Vote: 5

♊ Gemini

Today you will be the king of idle chatter, Gemini. Everyone who meets you will be fascinated by your crazy stories. Too bad no one will really understand you. Keep it up, you are one of a kind.

Sicilian Star Council: “Speak more softly, or they will ask you what you said.” Not to mention, I think you’re tired of the recipes too. Vote: 7

♋ Cancer

Day to dedicate to family, Cancer. But remember that you don’t have to solve all the world’s problems. Sometimes a little selfishness is good. Pamper yourself a little and let others take care of themselves.

Sicilian Star Council: “Have a nice meal and don’t think.” With all these messes, you better eat a nice casserole. Vote: 8

♌ Leone

Today you feel the need to be the center of attention, Leo. Unfortunately, others may not agree. Try to accept that, sometimes, you too have to be a little in the shadows.

Sicilian Star Council: “Every once in a while, it’s better to stay calmer.” Like all kings, every now and then you’re content to stay calmer. Rating: 6

♍ Virgo

Your obsession with order and perfection will reach new heights today. Too bad the world around you is a total chaos. Accept imperfection and relax a bit.

Council of the Sicilian stars: “Close one eye, which is better not to see.” Today sees you cleaning the area as well. Take a breath and relax. Vote: 5

Today’s Horoscope: From Libra to Pisces, the Predictions of June 28, 2024

♎ Libra

Difficult decision day, Libra. But you prefer to avoid choices, right? Continuing to put it off won’t solve the problems. Take courage and make a choice, even if it’s a small one.

Sicilian Star Council: “Choose and do not think too much, that you will be told what to do.” With all this uncertainty, it feels like a leaf of vines. Vote: 7

♏ Scorpio

Today you are as mysterious and charming as ever, Scorpio. But don’t overdo the mind games, they might tire others. Show a little transparency, sometimes it’s good.

Council of the Sicilian stars: “Do not always act mysterious, that it is better to speak plainly.” With all these mysteries, it feels like a never-ending story to me. Vote: 8

♐ Sagittarius

Daydream today, Sagittarius. Too bad that reality is very different from your dreams. Come back down to earth and try to be a little more practical.

Council of the Sicilian stars: “The sounds are good, but the reality is better.” Today you fly faster than a storm, but be careful not to fall. Rating: 6

♑ Capricorn

Today you are focused on work as always, Capricorn. But remember that there is life beyond the office. Take a break, go outside and enjoy some sunshine.

Council of the Sicilian stars: “Think of yourself every now and then, that work does not run away.” Like a mule, you work endlessly. Take a walk. Vote: 7

♒ Aquarium

Today you are full of revolutionary ideas, Aquarius. But not everyone is ready to follow you. Slow down a bit and try to explain yourself better, otherwise you risk being misunderstood.

Sicilian Star Council: “First think and then speak, so people don’t understand.” With all this thought, it looks like a pile of sardines. Explain better. Rating: 8

♓ Pesci

You feel particularly emotional today, Pisces. The risk is to drown in your feelings. Find a balance and try to be more pragmatic.

Council of the Sicilian stars: “Don’t do the fishing, because the feelings will affect you.” With all this feeling, it seems to me that there is no other source than a fish. Vote: 6

Ranking for Friday 28 June 2024: from first to last mark

1 – Scorpio
2 – Cancer
3 – Visit
4 – Aquarium
5 – Libra
6 – Capricorn

7 – Gemini
8 – Leone
9 – Sagittarius
10 – Pesci
11 – Visit
12 – Virgo


Published on

June 27, 2024, 6.30pm

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