Salernitana, which attack to excel in the cadet division? Petrachi’s plan

Salernitana, which attack to excel in the cadet division? Petrachi’s plan
Salernitana, which attack to excel in the cadet division? Petrachi’s plan

The director of the Salernitana Petrachi he is ready to defeat his rivals and the cadet championship, starting to translate the many meetings and chats that have taken place in the last two weeks into facts, especially with his transfer objectives, obviously never declared publicly but always clear in his mind. The manager from Lecce, when he dissolved his reservations and officially accepted the task of being the transfer man with the pleasant responsibility of rebuilding Bersagliera from the foundations, knew well that the company, regardless of the transfer operation, would give him tools to be able to exploit their skills and knowledge and to bring at least four or five top players for the category into the granata jersey. Well, the first important piece of the Granata rebirth operation would be about to be completed and would concern the Cavese striker Massimo Tail, very close to returning as a protagonist in Salerno.

In recent days we have discussed extensively the possibility for the seahorse to make a real breakthrough in the offensive department, reaching first and foremost the former center forward of Genoa And Lecce and then, trying to put another ex who was much loved in the Arechi area, Gennaro, alongside him Onesiecurrently at Cosenza and protagonist of the latest Serie A promotion FabianiBeavers. For Coda it would be a matter of details, with the striker who would receive around a million euros net salary and who could obtain a renewal option in the event of Salernitana’s promotion to the top flight. Onesie would also immediately embrace Salerno and the grenade shirt but for the white smoke there would be two complications, the first of which would be linked to a request from Cosenza stuck at four million (almost double the sum paid out in surprise by the owner Guarascio to redeem the Neapolitan scorer from Parma) and that they would deprive themselves of him only on the condition of collecting a sum sufficient to be able to build next season’s team.

The owner from Cosenza dropped the ace not because he thought he could retain a player who had mentally ended his experience in Silana, but only to be able to make a quick and substantial capital gain to save the transfer market. Salernitana is reportedly negotiating with the Calabrians but does not seem willing to go beyond three million to take over Tutino’s contract outright. The top scorer of the last Serie B would be, and here is the second complication, even a little tempted to play in Serie A starting from the next tournament but in this regard the only top flight club interested would be the Empoli, moreover rather timidly as the Tuscans never made a departure offer to their agent Giuffredi. The twenty-seven-year-old Neapolitan, cadet for cadet, would decisively opt for Salernitana both with his heart and his head, once satisfied financially and reassured of a competitive squad to aim, with the lights off but not too much, to win the championship immediately and thus compete the longed-for chance to be a protagonist in Serie A wearing the shirt with the seahorse on the chest.

Needless to say, if the titular pairing of Coda and Tutino really materialized, much of the credit would go to having chosen the Petrachi duo –Thin, names of professionals constituting a guarantee and a further push to embrace the project of the new regenerated Salernitana. But who, in the Campania sporting director’s plans, would join the two strikers in the Bersagliera 2024/25 attack? Here we can hypothesize an offensive unit made up of at least five strikers, with at least one other well-reliable attacker behind the starters and then two bets or in any case two young players with good prospects. It is very unlikely he will stay Bonazzoli for reasons of budget of the salary amount and to avoid the risk of suffering the tantrums of a player with undoubted talent but with a difficult temperament and lack of continuous performance.

Those who could stay to attempt a relaunch would, instead, Ikwuemesi, who could try to relaunch himself in the granata shirt after a negative season in Serie A. At the moment top secret are the two talented youngsters who could complete the battery of attackers to be placed under Mr. Sottil’s orders, but at least one could come from a prestigious youth sector of Serie A. Certainly, Sottil would also like one or two players capable of making a difference in the attacking midfield to vary the tactical score and in this regard another former Granata player, the Brazilian from Lazio André, would seem to be the favourite. Andersonwith his arrival more likely to date than that of Mattia Aramu, which Petrachi would be monitoring anyway. They should instead say goodbye to Salerno the Chilean once and for all Valenciathe Jamaican Stewart and also the Brazilian Mikaeldestined to remain a sort of mysterious objects in the Arechi area.

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