but as Zirkzee, there is Lukaku for Fonseca

but as Zirkzee, there is Lukaku for Fonseca
but as Zirkzee, there is Lukaku for Fonseca

Everything changes for the next AC Milan striker. New return of flame for Romelu Lukaku in place of Joshua Zirkzee.

It’s no secret that at the moment the market’s priority is Milan be a new number nine who can fill the void left by Olivier Giroud. It is not even a secret that the dream of the management, with which an agreement has already been found, is Joshua Zirkzee of Bologna whose deal is seriously at risk of falling apart due to requests deemed unacceptable by the Dutch attacker’s entourage regarding commissions.

What seemed like a practically done shot is becoming more and more complicated with the Rossoneri who are already looking around to study alternatives. For this reason the name of has forcefully returned to the Rossoneri Romelu Lukaku, already linked to Milan last summer. The Belgian, who will not be bought out by Roma and will therefore return to Chelsea, is looking for a new club and staying in Italy is far from impossible.

Milan-Lukaku, new flirtation: the aim is for a loan from Chelsea

For years Big Rom and Milan have been opponents, with the Belgian always doing very badly, but the two paths could soon join. What last summer seemed like a rather provocative transfer suggestion after the about-face with Inter could seriously become a reality this year. According to what was reported, in fact, by Gazzetta dello Sportthe excessively high costs of the possible Zirkzee coup are pushing the Rossoneri management to tack on the possible I’m coming on loan from the class of ’93.

Romelu Lukaku, back on the management’s notebook (LaPresse) –spaziomilan.it

The salary of the now ex-Roma striker is certainly not low (in Giallorossi he received 7.5 million euros per season), but the costs would undoubtedly be lower than those of the Bologna center forward. His return to Chelsea is not in question, just as his new departure is not in question. In recent weeks, the most interested club seemed to be Antonio Conte’s Napoli, who more than anyone was able to exploit Lukaku.

A real challenge could, therefore, arise on the market with i Neapolitans with Milan playing for the Champions League card. What would also help would be the relationships with Chelsea, with which there has been a transfer axis for years which has already brought several players to the Rossoneri. A second experience of Lukaku in Milan, this time on the other side of the Naviglio, is therefore not a hypothesis to be discarded and in the coming weeks the track could seriously heat up.

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