20 things to do every day to be happier and more satisfied

20 things to do every day to be happier and more satisfied
20 things to do every day to be happier and more satisfied

20 easy things to do every day to be happier and more satisfied

Happiness is a complex feeling. Sometimes he seems to have reached it and then from one moment to the next without even realizing it he slips out of our hands. It can last an instant like «an electrocution”as he said Andrea Camilleri or, in the best case scenario, extend for an indefinite time. Happiness is impervious, it is not simple, or obvious, and it has little to do with fleeting joy or the exultation of the moment. Happiness is a deeper, more personal and deep-rooted condition that must be built over time, until it becomes a lifestyle, an approach that we put into practice in everyday life.

Seneca it said: “No one is unhappy except through his own fault”. To be happy you need to train yourself in happiness, cultivate the little things that contribute to its solid and lasting basis. It’s a personal matter: happiness depends on us. To do this you need to be attentive to details, embrace feelings, feel empathy and gratitude, look beyond the problems of the day and of life. It won’t always be possible to experience it in its most intense form, but training to be happy every day will help you have a different vision even of difficult moments, learning to overcome them to find happiness and greater satisfaction in your life.

For this reason it is useful to identify a series of kind gestures and thoughts to put into practice every day to train yourself to be happy and, day after day, always be a little more so. The mind has incredible power and if we project it in the right direction it will accompany us a path of delicacy and awareness, of care and love for oneself.

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Changing the perspective of what happens to us in life starts from us: 20 easy things to do every day to be happy

  1. Smile more to yourself and others
  2. Learn to say NOif you don’t want to do something
  3. Trial empathy for others, listen to them and give them sincere advice
  4. Don’t compare yourself to others, everyone does his path
  5. Learn to receive and understand other people’s NO, because often they will be useful to you
  6. Face what it does to you fear and get over it
  7. Help others. Doing good is like a boomerang: it comes back
  8. Be generous, sharing is caring
  9. Don’t depend on anyone on an economic and emotional level
  10. be grateful for the little things in life: a sunset, a butterfly, a flower that blooms
  11. Take a walk in nature, it will give you lifeblood
  12. Forgive your mistakes, you are a human being
  13. Forgive other people’s mistakes, I am human beings
  14. Stop living in the past, life is nowdon’t waste precious time that won’t come back
  15. Be curiousopens your mind to new possibilities
  16. Learn something new every day, keeps your brain trained
  17. Stop imagine the worstyou don’t need negative energy
  18. Eliminate dysfunctional relationships, surround yourself only with people who make you feel good
  19. If you don’t like something, change it, you have the power
  20. Don’t say to yourself what you wouldn’t say to your friend. Treat yourself with loveas you do with others
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