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Dramatic accident in Villa Lais park: man sets himself on fire in front of passers-by

Dramatic accident in Villa Lais park: man sets himself on fire in front of passers-by
Dramatic accident in Villa Lais park: man sets himself on fire in front of passers-by

Last updated on June 28, 2024 by Elisabetta Cina

This morning, in the peaceful park of Villa Lais in the neighborhood Appius Latinusa dramatic scene occurred that shocked those present. A homeless man caused dismay and disbelief among passers-by after dousing himself with flammable liquid and setting himself on fire.

The shocking scene at via Paolo Albera 50

The accident occurred around 10.30am in the vicinity of via Paolo Albera 50attracting the attention of some citizens who, with courage, promptly reacted to put out the flames and save the man from a tragic epilogue.

The timely intervention of passers-by and rescuers

Despite the serious burns suffered on various parts of the body, the victim remained conscious and was promptly transported to the hospital in red code by the 118 emergency workers. Luckily, Initial information suggests that the man’s life is not currently at risk.

Investigations underway into the tragic event

The Carabinieri of the Tuscolana station and the Piazza Dante company promptly intervened on the scene of the accident to start investigations into the dynamics of the accident. At the moment, it seems that the man acted alone, without the involvement of other people. However, the reasons that pushed him to make such an extreme gesture still remain shrouded in mystery.

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Villa Lais: Villa Lais is a stately villa located in the Appio Latino district of Rome. Built in the 17th century, it is an example of Roman Baroque architecture and is surrounded by a large park. The villa hosts cultural events and exhibitions and is a place of historical and tourist interest within the city.

Appius Latinus: Appio Latino is one of the historic neighborhoods of Rome, located in the south-east of the city. It is known for its parks, green areas and archaeological remains, such as the Appia Antica Regional Park with its ancient Roman roads.
via Paolo Albera 50: Via Paolo Albera is a street in Rome, located in the Appio Latino district. The number 50, mentioned in the article, represents the exact place where the dramatic scene of the man who set himself on fire occurred.
Carabinieri of the Tuscolana station and the Piazza Dante company: The Carabinieri are an Italian armed force responsible for public order and the security of the national territory. The Tuscolana station and the Piazza Dante company are two operational districts of the Carabinieri in Rome, involved in the management of the incident described in the article.
Code redThe term “red code” is used to indicate a medical emergency of the utmost severity, which requires immediate and priority treatment, as in the case of the severe burns suffered by the man involved in the accident.
This newspaper article reports a tragic event that occurred in a Roman park and highlights the rapid and courageous intervention of those present in helping the injured man. Investigations are ongoing to understand the circumstances that led to the incident.

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