“He dragged her for 300 meters, they wanted to lynch him”

“He dragged her for 300 meters, they wanted to lynch him”
“He dragged her for 300 meters, they wanted to lynch him”

Two girls hit by a car while crossing the road. The investor does not stop, continuing to advance with one of the two remaining stuck under the body and the legs sticking out next to the left rear wheel. The young woman remains there, dragged for over 300 meters. “The feet were dangling. And there was a hand desperately trying to hold on to the door,” says a witness. Until the car is stopped by the police. And the driver – a twenty-one year old Italian who tested positive for alcohol – risks death lynching by the mob. It happened on Sunday at 10pm in the Bovisa district, on the corner of Ricotti and Mercantini streets.

According to what has emerged so far, the two girls, both Italian, aged 23 and 29, were hit squarely by a Ford Fiesta arriving from Piazza Schiavone while crossing the road on the pedestrian crossing, at theRicotti-Mercantini crossroads. The older one was thrown a few meters and managed to get up immediately while her 23-year-old friend remained stuck under the car.

“The friend shouted at the car to stop. The girl who was being dragged also shouted: they were inhuman screams“, continues those who witnessed the scene. When the Ford Fiesta arrived in Piazza Bausan it was noticed by a police car from the Comasina police station which was searching the area. The officers did not miss the legs protruding from under the car in race and immediately intervened to stop the vehicle from moving, which in the meantime had turned into via Massara de Capitani. The driver, 21 year old Italian, traveled more than 300 meters dragging the girl. In the meantime, several passers-by reached the car. Someone at that point would have even tried to attack the investor and it was necessary to ask for the “reinforcement” of another steering wheel so that the boy could take refuge in the cockpit while in the meantime the priority was to help the injured young man.

Between passers-by and residents, several people got busy, some lifting the car to free the girl, some swabbing the wounds with blankets while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Once in Bausan square, the 118 rescuers visited the twenty-three year old and accompanied her yellow code at Niguarda. Then her condition worsened: she was operated on during the night by the Trauma team head injuries, to the body and to all four limbs. On Monday she was still hospitalized resuscitation, with a reserved prognosis, gradually accompanied in post-operative recovery. Her condition is serious but fortunately her life is not in danger.

The local police proceeds to ascertain the dynamics. After the initial checks, the twenty-one year old tested positive for alcohol and was investigated at large for driving while intoxicated. Further checks and investigations are underway on him, again by the cast iron, regarding his conduct after the accident. “I saw the investor from the window: when he opened the door he put on his hands in hair and he opened his mouth wide, as if he didn’t realize anything,” says a 48-year-old woman.

“Then his mother arrived, in tears”. According to what Il Giorno reports, he is a boy from the area. In the meantime, the young woman who was stuck was rescued by officers and passers-by. “She was in a pool of blood, with her clothes in tatters. But she spoke, she was alert, so we breathed a sigh of relief”, conclude the witnesses. “We all hope that we can resume as soon as possible.”

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