Autonomy, meeting between Democratic Regions: the front can widen

Autonomy, meeting between Democratic Regions: the front can widen
Autonomy, meeting between Democratic Regions: the front can widen

ROMA It will be born next week coordination of the Regions against differentiated autonomy of the Calderoli bill. According to what we learn, the centre-left regions (Sardinia, Tuscany, Puglia, Emilia Romagna and Campania) should meet and possibly expand membership to include centre-right regions: contacts are underway with the staff of the Forza Italia governors of Basilicata and Calabria.
Close ranks therefore against the law on differentiated autonomy by Calderoli: this is what the dem regions but also M5S (Sardinia) are doing, which this week will launch a Coordination which will have to draw up a shared text for the referendum, to be carefully refined «to make it unassailable.” But the project, according to what we learn, will not be limited only to the center-left, given that “contacts” have already been held with Calabria and Basilicata, both powered by Forza Italia.
“We are inclusive on this too, especially because the text of the law also worries other regional administrators of different colors”, explains an insider close to the future Coordination. The new body will be held together by the president of Sardinia Alessandra Todde (M5s), “also because she is the most qualified to promote an appeal to the Constitutional Court as governor of a region with a special statute”. In short, Sardinia would be the most “suitable” territory to challenge the law in the Consulta because differentiated autonomy could negatively impact the various specificities of a region with a special statute, apart from its insularity and its welfare system on the ropes. The deadline for the Coordination to be operational should be around mid-July and here the timing becomes delicate, given that the president of Emilia Romagna Stefano Bonaccini will sign his resignation presumably on the 11th or 12th of next month, a few days before his inauguration as a European parliamentarian scheduled for July 16th, which could block the path of the regional councils (alternative to the collection of 500 thousand signatures) in promoting the referendum.
In the meantime, in parallel with the five centre-left regions and their Coordination, the Referendum Committee has also been activated, led in a compact manner by practically all the oppositions, namely Pd, M5S, Avs, Psi and +Europa. But also Cgil and Uil, together with associations such as Anpi, Arci, Acli and Libera. This time 500 thousand signatures will be needed and must be collected by September if the referendum is to be called in 2025. And even in this case the time available is decidedly limited. Today the former minister and current Pd deputy Roberto Speranza explained on social media that «differentiated autonomy can still be stopped» but «it is important that territorial committees are created, open and plural in every corner of the country. After the right-wing forcing in Parliament, the road that remains against this wicked project that is dividing Italy is that of popular mobilization to get to the referendum». (Ansa)

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