Cesena flood, approval for Pnrr interventions expected in July and for the future we are looking at special plans

Cesena flood, approval for Pnrr interventions expected in July and for the future we are looking at special plans
Cesena flood, approval for Pnrr interventions expected in July and for the future we are looking at special plans

The one on Thursday afternoon was Inspector Figliuolo’s first time in Cesena. “I was pleased”, comments mayor Enzo Lattuca who also explains that in reality the relationship with Figliuolo is now consolidated: “The collaboration is maximum – he reiterates – and the extension of the assignment until December is important”. «I’m happy that there was the opportunity to visit the condominium in via Tunisia – he adds – because that is a truly particular situation. Figliuolo also said that a quarter of the cases that have received reimbursement so far come from the Municipality of Cesena, a sign that private individuals, professionals and municipal technicians are working well.”

Thursday’s visit was important because opportunity for direct discussion on specific issues. «On the fixed-term hiring of technical staff to support post-flood management, for example, thanks to the contribution of our offices we were able to point out that thus the rule is poorly written». For 8 months we had been waiting for the possibility of hiring staff even outside the existing rankings, because the way it had been conceived up to now had made only 13 of the 78 necessary hires possible. But as the new rule was written, “it seems that we can proceed with hiring based on qualifications and interviews only after having verified the availability of all the candidates in all the rankings published on the PA portal”. «They are small defects, but they are like a grain of sand that risks jamming the gear».

On the part of the damage to private individuals there is the question of tax credit, which still requires adjustments and «will not be operational before September, nine months after the approval of the budget law». But above all it is there the question of reimbursement for movable property and the «inadequacy of the 6 thousand euro plafond». On this point, Lattuca reiterates his support for the amendments presented by the Region, Anci and Upi which ask to bring the limit to 30 thousand euros: «Since they say that resources are not a problem, I believe that that limit should be raised. Then intermediate solutions can also be found.”

On public works, an important signal arrived with the decree from the Ministry of Economy and Finance which unblocks the announced resources of the Pnrr (1.2 billion) making them available to the commissioner structure: «Yesterday I understood that the ordinance will arrive by July. If this is really the case, by running and making the structure run, because since those resources are linked to the Pnrr the projects will have to be reported by 2026, we will make it, but if the wait increases further there is a real risk of not making it”. There are nine projects nominated by Cesena, for a total amount of almost 10 million euros. Among these there are also the Santa Lucia landslide which Figliuolo visited on Thursday, and a series of interventions on the bridges, in particular on those that cross the Rio Granarolo, and the intervention on the drainage network in Bulgarnò.

If they all leave, the only project that will remain outside will be that of Cesuola: «The design is almost ready, but the implementation times of that intervention are not compatible with those of the Pnrr». The project will have to find an economic response in special plans, those who will define the last phase of the reconstruction, the most complex and ambitious one of securing the territory in light of what happened. “At the moment we are working on completing the general plan, the one that dictates the overall strategy. Based on this, plans for each river will be created». It is when the strategies translate into the planning of concrete actions and interventions that we will also have an idea of ​​the amount of economic resources that will be allocated over the years. In view of this phase, Cesena has already reported, for example, the need to intervene on some bridges. «In some cases these interventions are not too costly or excessively long to carry out. But to be able to realize them, an overall vision of the river is needed.” Once the individual plans and the necessary resources have been defined, adds Lattuca, «a careful control room will be needed to manage the individual interventions: redoing the new bridge could cost 5 million euros, but would it make sense from a hydraulic point of view to start from there? An expansion tank can cost 100 million, does it make sense to continue the design while looking for resources? Does the intervention on Lake Quarto make sense? How much does it cost? Should Enel take care of it?”. «These are all questions that we will have to seek answers to in the coming months», he concludes.

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