the Hot Plan is triggered, over 5 thousand people at risk. “Dress lightly, avoid alcohol and frozen drinks. Don’t stay in the sun during the hottest hours”/Here are some useful tips

the Hot Plan is triggered, over 5 thousand people at risk. “Dress lightly, avoid alcohol and frozen drinks. Don’t stay in the sun during the hottest hours”/Here are some useful tips
the Hot Plan is triggered, over 5 thousand people at risk. “Dress lightly, avoid alcohol and frozen drinks. Don’t stay in the sun during the hottest hours”/Here are some useful tips

Like every year the Region Liguria launched the Hot Floor egr the summer of 2024 with the aim of addressing the potential danger which some sections of the population risk. The Hot Plan, that will be activated in the event of an orange or red bulletininvolves above all those interested in social and health protection and provides targeted actions to prevent and reduce potential risks resulting from heat waves.

In Liguria There are approximately 5,500 people susceptible to heat waves with high risk. A c. will also be released in Julyprevention campaignwith clips from Camilla and Corrado Tedeschi, who will illustrate the correct behavior to follow to prevent the effects of heat waves.

“The Ligurian health and social system is gearing up to prevent potential risks to the detriment of the most fragile citizens, especially the elderly, in view of the hottest weeks – explains the interim president of the Liguria Region Alessandro Piana -. In addition to the widespread coordination between family doctors and local health authorities, and thanks to the health facilities spread throughout the territory, the information campaigns promoted by the Region will also contribute to guaranteeing the safety of citizens and tourists”.

“The hot plan launched again this year by the Liguria Region – explains the Health Councilor Angelo Gratarola -, through networking in synergy with local authorities, it allows us to implement effective actions to deal with any heat waves that characterize the summer season. The objective is to keep a high level of attention on the most exposed people and the invitation addressed to Ligurians is to follow the useful and valuable advice to prevent any damage from excessive heat. Like every year, family doctors, paediatricians and local health authorities will have at their disposal the list of their patients who may be susceptible to heat waves with the aim of monitoring their needs and health conditions and from this year citizens Ligurians can count on the clinics that will be progressively opened dedicated to low complexity in the districts or in community houses open from 8 to 24. A service that will prove essential especially during the summer to deal with the problems related to its possible complications”.


“This year too we have worked with the network of Third Sector Bodies to guarantee all vulnerable people a series of widespread services and reference points throughout the area – explains the councilor for social and health policies Giacomo Giampedrone -. I want to thank all the entities involved in the project with the social caretakers and neighborhood butlers, engaged all year round also through the regional toll-free number 800 593235, free, active seven days a week from 8am to 8pm for orientation, information and to collect requests from citizens, for example for small daily errands. These activities, adequately strengthened in the summer also for the monitoring of heat waves, will continue until 20 September, with possible extensions if necessary based on the climatic situation. Temporarily during the emergency period, the possibility of taking care of fragile people again is also foreseen, always in synergy with the social spheres with a view to prevention for non-critical situations, which however could become complicated due to the heat”.

“Special attention – explains Ernesto Palummeri responsible for Alisa of the center for the prevention of the effects of heat waves – is aimed at residences for the elderly. Every day the bulletin is issued which identifies the level of risk linked to climate data (temperature and humidity). When risk conditions are foreseen, notices are issued to all health, socio-health and social structures, through the Agorà cooperative. With yellow, a pre-alert condition occurs, with orange and red, you go on alert based on the risk conditions and measures can be adopted to reduce risks, especially for the most fragile subjects. The invitation, especially in alert conditions, is to adopt the correct behavior to prevent risk conditions, the subject of the campaigns that will be widespread in Liguria during the summer”.

The main behaviors to adopt to prevent the effects of heat waves are:

hydrate constantly throughout the day, follow alight nutrition, avoid alcohol, carbonated and iced drinks, avoid exposure to the Sun especially in warmer hours, dress lightly not using synthetic fabrics, check with the your doctor, any changes to your therapies, also in relation to blood pressure.

“The initiative of neighborhood butlers and social custodians – explains Andrea Rivano Regional manager of the project, of which the Agorà Cooperative is the leader – cinvolves 25 Third Week entitieshours in addition to the important connection with the network of the many associations and the many volunteers involved in the project “Well…being elderly in Liguria” with which this project is connected in a structured way, developing the objective of a truly innovative ‘integrated system of proximity welfare’ in the Ligurian territory which necessarily also involves local social and socio-health services. Another example of how networking and collaboration between public administration and the third sector can innovate but also give concrete responses to people and to the territories”

The Liguria Region, together with Silb-Fipe (dancing club union), launches the communication campaign “addicted to life – don’t drink it” and announces a new project on the prevention of alcohol abuse

The “Addicted to life” communication campaign aims to raise awareness among young people in order to avoid risky behaviors linked to alcohol consumption, in particular the so-called ‘binge drinking’, i.e. alcoholic binge: the tendency to drink a large quantity of alcohol concentrated in a short time.

The prevention campaign, conceived by the Emilia-Romagna Region with the patronage of the Conference of Regions, was extended to the entire national territory and was included among the communication activities of the Regional Prevention Plan.
At the center of the campaign is a video which positively describes the passions and lifestyles of young people (for example music, travel and sport) playing on the double meaning of the word “addiction ”, which in English means both addiction and passion. The SILB-FIPE Italian Union of Dance Venues (Federation of Italian Public Businesses) joins and participates in the campaign, bringing together companies that operate in the dance and entertainment entertainment sector, and today counts on the membership of approximately 90 percent of discos and clubs. Italian dance halls registered by the Chambers of Commerce.

“After the project conceived by Emilia Romagna – explains Sonia Salvini, Alisa’s contact person for addictions – Liguria will promote an initiative aimed at ballroom staff and operators. The objective is to develop a training tool aimed at dance hall operators and staff in order to build a network of people who collaborate on safe entertainment. The impact will be on the people who frequent the dance halls, in particular young people and minors”.

“The presence and involvement of the dance club union – explains Mattia Nicotera president SILB-FIPE GENOA – is of great importance in this type of awareness initiatives. For this reason we have become promoters of projects considered important for their cultural and social value, thanks to which an increasingly strong collaborative relationship has been started with institutions such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Health, the Traffic Police and many Regions , Italian Provinces and Municipalities sensitive to these issues. Various protocols have been signed to intervene on critical issues such as the drug emergency, risks on the roads, safety inside and outside the premises. Precisely because it is aware of the important contribution it can make, SILB – FIPE is part of the “National Council on Road Safety” at the CNEL and adheres to the Alcohol Forum, the body established within the community which aims to identify good practices relating to ‘intake of alcoholic beverages’.

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